Thursday, June 30, 2005

President Urges Patience on War

It is a testament to the power of the secret Masonic brotherhood (the "Lone Star" is one of the classic symbols of freemasonry) which founded and continues to run Texas that we continue to supply the U.S. with these malevolent criminals posing as presidents.

Any other country in the world would have kicked such a state out of its union by now.

Three Iowa 19-year-olds charged in torture of opossums

Iowa used to have some of the most intelligent and well-adjusted youth in the country. I used to take educational assessment tests as a boy which proved I was more capable than 99 percent of even the children in Iowa in most subjects. Math was always the exception but I still scored in the 90s.

George W. Bush used to do this kind of things to frogs out in Midland. He'd put lit firecrackers in their mouths and blow them up like so many Iraqis. Little Shrubya used to reply to friends who'd caught such amphibians for his sadistic use and pleasure, "Bring 'em on!" It'd make him "hornier" than the frogs.

These 'opossums' in Iowa must be of Irish origin. Down here we just call them possums. Rhonesboro has a museum of 'possumology' or used to.

An EZ Pocket-Guide to Destroying the US

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

The Big Lie

Bush's speech to the troops

"Thank yo' an' fine evenin'. ah's pleased t'viset Fo't Bragg, home of th' Airborne an' Special Operashuns Fo'ces. It is an hono' t'speak befo'e yo' tonight. Mah greatess responsibility as president is t'proteck th' South Car'linan varmints, an' thet is yer callin' as fine. ah thank yo' fo' yer service, yer courage an' yer sacrifice. ah thank yer families, who suppo't yo' in yer vital wawk. Th' soldiers an' families of Fo't Bragg haf contributed mightily t'our effo'ts t'secure our country an' promote peace. South Car'lina is grateful an' so is yer comman'er in chief. Th' troops hyar an' acrost th' wo'ld is fightin' a global war on terro'. This hyar war retched our sho'es on Seppember 11, 2001. Th' terro'ists who attacked us an' th' terro'ists we face murder in th' name of a totalitarian ideology thet hates freedom, rejecks tolerance an' despises all dissent. Their aim is t'remake th' Middle East in their own grim image of tyranny an' oppresshun by topplin' govments, drivin' us outta th' region an' expo'tin' terro'. To achieve these aims, they haf continued t'kill in Madrid, Istanbul, Jakarta, Casablanca, Riyadh, Bali an' elsewhar. Th' terro'ists believe thet free societies is essentially co'rupp an' decadent, an' wif a few hard blows they kin fo'ce us t'retreat. They is mistaken, as enny fool kin plainly see. Af'er Seppember 11, ah made a commitment t'th' South Car'linan varmints: This hyar nashun will not wait t'be attacked agin. We will take th' fight t'th' enemah. We will defend our freedom, dawgone it. Iraq is th' latess battlefield in this hyar war. Menny terro'ists who kill innercent men, wimmen an' chillun on th' streets of BaghPaw is follerers of th' same murderous ideology thet took th' lives of our citizens in Noo Yawk, Warshin'ton an' Pennsylvania. Thar is only one course of ackshun aginst them: t'defeat them abroad befo'e they attack us at home. Th' comman'er in charge of coalishun operashuns in Iraq, who is also senio' comman'er at this hyar base, Juneral John-Boy Vines, put it fine t'other day. He said, "We eifer deal wif terro'ism an' this hyar extremism abroad, o' we deal wif it when it comes t'us." Our misshun in Iraq is clear. We is huntin' down th' terro'ists. We is he'pin' Iraqis build a free nashun thet is an ally in th' war on terro'. We is advancin' freedom in th' broader Middle East. We is removin' a source of violence an' instability an' layin' th' foun'ashun of peace fo' our chillun an' our gran'chillun. Th' wawk in Iraq is difficult an' dangerous. Like most South Car'linans, ah see th' images of violence an' bloodshed, cuss it all t' tarnation. Ev'ry pitcher is ho'rifyin' an' th' sufferin' is real, ah reckon. Amid all this hyar violence, ah knows South Car'linans ax th' quesshun: Is th' sacrifice wo'th it? It is wo'th it, an' it is vital t'th' future security of our country. An' tonight ah will explain th' reasons whuffo'. Some of th' violence yo' see in Iraq is bein' carried out by ruthless killers who is convahgin' on Iraq t'fight th' advance of peace an' freedom, dawgone it. Our military repo'ts thet we haf killed o' cappured hundreds of fo'eign fighters in Iraq who haf come fum Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iran, Egypp, Sudan, Yemen, Libya an' other nashuns. They is makin' common cuz wif criminal elements, Iraqi insurjunts an' remnants of Saddam Hussein's regime who be hankerin' t'resto'e th' old o'der. They fight on account o' they knows thet th' survival of their hateful ideology is at stake. They knows thet as freedom takes root in Iraq, it will inspire millions acrost th' Middle East t'claim their liberty as fine. An' when th' Middle East grows in democracy, prosperity an' hope, th' terro'ists will lose their sponso's, lose their recruits an' lose their hopes fo' turnin' thet region into a base fo' attacks on South Car'lina an' our allies aroun' th' wo'ld, cuss it all t' tarnation.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Pastor Hinn in Nigerian money row

It strikes me that the description of the dominant churches in Nigeria tracks very closely with those of the American South, the so-called Bible Belt, aka as the section of the U.S. which is leading it to ruin.

Since God is the Author of all things, including the Bible Belt domination of the U.S. political and military structures, I can only assume this is His way of executing judgment upon the land.

The Bible Belt is really strapping it on the rest of us, with "40 lashes save one" to quote the Apostle Paul. And I expect the final one at any time.

Backyard wildlife sanctuary or neighborhood nuisance?

Kelly Walker just may be my soulmate, but I damned sure ain't moving to Houston. I don't know why any true nature lover would want to live in a big city to begin with.

It's so dry here 220 miles NNE of Houston that not even my weeds are growing anymore. And I do have a working lawnmower (battery-operated at that) with which I obliterated most of the pesky wisteria that had been making a huge comeback from being cut to shreds last November.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Sex toys are China's latest booming industry

You gotta love the euphemism. These are sold in "adult health" shops.

Reminds me of recent studies revealing that looking at breasts is as good for men's health as many forms of cardiovascular exercise. Just the other day, a study came out that looking at a couple copulating caused the pornography viewer's sperm motility to increase. The theory was that the viewer's brain sent a signal to the folks swimming around down in the scrotum that they had better become more like Mark Spitz because they had a competitor.

For anyone who doesn't get the Spitz reference, he was a U.S. Olympic swimmer during the 1970s. Ironically, since he was Jewish, he won his gold medals at the infamous Munich Olympics of 1972 where the Israeli athletes were taken hostage and murdered.

Friday, June 24, 2005

You ain't seen nothing yet


Let this be a warning to all you North Carolina residents with unoccupied vacation properties in East Texas. There's a reason why they call them "mobile" homes.

Even if you have a permanent dwelling on a foundation, you are not out of the woods (although your house soon may be). A few months ago, this same newspaper reported on a vacant brick home which had been disassembled and hauled off from its site near Lindale. Not suprisingly, the suspects were meth heads.

Can you imagine that conversation? "Hello, Smith County Sheriff's Office? Yes, I'd like to report the theft of my house."

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

The Crumbling Has Begun

Wal-Mart's Business Plan

What a diabolical bastard ol' Sam was. His company has destroyed the downtown here just as it has all across America.

Leaving the rest of us with:

Always higher taxes. Always.

"Shallow Throat": Wounded, Cornered Animals Are Dangerous

The most important part of this essay is the last portion which emphasizes the need for a return to paper ballots. Until we do that, the GOP will never lose to any significant degree another mid-term, much less presidential, election.

I very much doubt paper ballots will return. I very much believe that we are living through the final days of an America which anyone would desire to live in and it is already way less desirable than it was even in, say, oh I don't know, let's say the year 2000 for some reason. In other words, the nightmare scenario lies dead ahead. Emphasis on "dead."

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Waking up to the politics of fear

Sunday, June 19, 2005

The US War With Iran Has Already Begun

Much as I'd like not to believe this, Scott Ritter has a track record of having predicted well in advance every move the warmongers have made to date.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Southern Baptists' growth stalling

Here's an excerpt:

If you want to read the above link without going through their registration process, try

Southern Baptists' growth stalling

Convention a political power, but some fear evangelism neglected

09:19 PM CDT on Thursday, June 16, 2005
By JEFFREY WEISS / The Dallas Morning News
When Southern Baptists gather in Nashville next week for their annual convention, they'll be asking whether their baptismal pools are figuratively half full or half empty.
Half full: Claiming 16.5 million members, the Southern Baptist Convention is America's largest Protestant denomination. After a 25-year purge of moderates, it has never had a higher public profile. Its leaders are A-listed by media and conservative politicians.
Half empty: When the denomination formed in 1845, its key mission was proselytizing. But by some measures, its members have never been less successful at attracting new members.
That should matter even to people who hold no particular truck with Southern Baptist beliefs, said Arthur Farnsley, research director of the Religion and Urban Culture Project at the Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis Polis Center.
Numbers show that Southern Baptists are holding their own, he said. But the figures also suggest a limit to the influence of religious conservatives.
"If there's an idea that the whole country is shifting, a big group like this that seems to be treading water means 'maybe not,' " he said.
Southern Baptist leaders say the consequences of a lack of evangelism are bigger than any cultural shift.
"In a word, eternal. That's the consequence," said the convention president, the Rev. Bobby Welch, a pastor in Daytona Beach, Fla. "A person is either eternally lost when they die or eternally saved."

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Why Asia Will Eat Our Lunch

Want fries with that, Mr. Asian?

Bush wanted to invade Iraq if elected in 2000

I read this last fall when it first came out. I thought it needed to be on my blog. It is also even more credible in light of the Downing Street Memo controversy.

To me, it was obvious from the Gitmo git-go that the pretzeldent intended to invade Iraq. He is recorded as having stopped by a U.S. Senate office in early 2002 as Condi Rice was explaining something to a group of senators. "F--- Saddam! We're takin' him out," he blurted.

Former administration officials such as onetime Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill have also indicated that the administration was fixated on how to take over Iraq within a week after inauguration in January 2001.

What's more, I think most Americans are (or were) okay with all this, in spite of the fact it is blatantly illegal and Naziesque under international law. The only reason the polls have turned on him is because the occupation has been executed so incompetently. Americans have notproblem with stealing Arab nations' resources per se. It's what Jesus would do. < /sarcasm>

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

UT Law gets more room for non-Texans

As a 1985 graduate of this school, I couldn't care less. I think maybe I've been back there to visit once in all that time. It seemed like more of the students were from out of state even then, but when you're from East Texas, even people from Dallas and Houston seem too cosmopolitan to be Texans.

The entire time I was at that law school, it was as if a dark spirit was enveloping me almost to the point of crushing my own spirit. I was not spiritual at all at the time. My spirits came out of cans and bottles. But I certainly see it in retrospect. I don't imagine lawyers read what Jesus said about them very often. The truth hurts.

Dean Powers is a good guy, though. I had him for a product liability class.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Mother of dead soldier vilifies Bush over war

I can't help thinking Casey Sheehan would be embarrassed at his mother's efforts even as Pat Tillman would be at his parents' high dudgeon.

I really think once soldiers are committed to a war, particularly one as unjust as this one obviously is, they begin to lose their souls. So everything after that becomes an attempt to justify their sacrifices. It's also why 80 percent of them voted to reselect *. They have become one with their insane leader.

I watched this unfold year after year w/r to Vietnam. The following refrain was repeated several million times across this country: "We can't pull out or else the (fill in blank)thousand who have died to date will have died in vain." The number in the blank grew larger and larger with each passing year, of course, to where it eventually reached around 58,000.

So we've got a long way to go yet. The only thing I see shortening this is the lack of a draft. Those who haven't joined still have souls. But once you cross that line and subject yourself to the most effective mind control program the world has ever seen (not even the Nazis had it down like this administration), it is over for you.

The US Labor Force: One Foot in the Third World

And the other on a banana peel, to finish the saying.

I think, and I said so at the time, the unprovoked war on Iraq was a last-gasp, desperate measure by this administration to seize enough oil to be able to run OPEC in cooperation with our "good friends," the Saudis (see photo of Bush holding hands with their leader elsewhere on this page), and to dictate oil prices to the Asians. The U.S. government spends nearly $500 billion (or about half the world's total) per year on its military. It was thought we could "leverage" these assets into global domination even though we have nothing left to sustain the war machine but a "service" economy (and even a lot of the services are being outsourced).

Operation Iraqi Freedom (which was initially slated to be called Operation Iraqi Liberation until someone noticed the acronym it created) has so far driven up the per-barrel price of crude oil on world markets from approximately $28 to about $55. I don't think that was in the plan.

But on the other hand, who benefits from permanently doubled oil prices? Crown Prince Abdullah is the biggest beneficiary. Bush is holding his hand. At that same meeting, they engaged in some discreet smooching as well. I haven't heard if this romantic interlude involved any "freedom kissing." Whatever went on, we can rest assured there was no shortage of lubrication since this involved the world's largest oil exporter and the world's most notorious oil pirate. Eat your heart out, "Slick" Willie. Well, that's not a very nice thing to say about someone who's just had multiple bypass surgery. I retract that.

As long as Abdullah recycles those windfall petrodollars into U.S. Treasury obligations and the New York Stock Exchange, the plan cannot be said to have failed. Still, I think Unca Dick wanted Halliburton to be drilling for new reserves in Iraq by now. And there are still too many 'injuns' with grenade launchers around for the 'cowboys' to feel safe on their rigs.

Bush, or the people actually running things in his name, is bound to know that the lust for slave labor that his party opened up when they got in bed with China more than 30 years ago was going to destroy middle-class America. It was only a matter of time. Now corporate America has added India to the mix, thus destroying the value of a computer science degree as well.

I think the only thing the uberrich Americans Bush calls his "base" are concerned about is how secure their gated communities will actually be as this unfolds. That's why most of them have second, third, fourth, etc., residences in other countries. When TSHTF, they'll be out of here.

Monday, June 13, 2005

KAITO KA1103 Shortwave Radio

I have been a shortwave listener every since I was a kid. With the advent of the Internet, I listen less often. But I heard so many rave reviews of this incredibly inexpensive radio for what it offers that I ordered one.

It finally arrived at the end of May and it has more than lived up to its billing so far. If they take the Internet down at some point, this radio will become even more valuable.

Well, it's made in China. But you cannot find any made in America. My hat's off to whatever poor Chinese slave made my radio. You deserve an extra bowl of rice and a heapin' helpin' of bird's nest soup.

Former Bush Team Member Says WTC Collapse Likely A Controlled Demolition

On the one hand, Prof. Morgan Reynolds is an Aggie. On the other hand, the George H.W. Bush Presidential Library is located on the Texas A&M University campus, so we are on the "horns" (as we say in Austin) of a dilemma. Whom to believe?

Shame is for sissies

Hal Crowther says this administration has turned him into the 'Che Guevara of AARP.' Next time I visit my sister, I am going to have to ask her to look this guy up for me so he can autograph one of his books for me.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

More blood for less oil?

Karma dictates that America will be destroyed. It's just a matter of time. I rather wish I didn't live here, but that's the breaks.

From visiting there, I would have really enjoyed being a Scandinavian citizen, I think, but I would feel like a short guy up there.

Close encounters of the fluttering kind

Thursday, June 09, 2005

The world in the palm of their hands: Bilderberg 2005

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Reconsidering Iraq

Fineman 'gets it' that the Iraq tarbaby is increasingly going to be THE issue. Dean figured this out 18 months ago, but nobody wanted to hear it. Many still don't, including all the Baptists, but deep down many of them know he is probably right. That's what the polls are showing.

The Democrats will never regain power. Fineman's right about that as well. Not only are they not very popular among the white Christian know-nothings and the rich/ultrarich; there aren't going to be any more honest elections even if they were. The results are determined by proprietary software owned by GOP operatives with no paper trail.

So that leaves the U.S. in a sort of 'no man's land' slowly bleeding to death economically and literally.

Bush is slowly destroying the country. It is as if God's plan was to destroy the U.S. all right, only it was Bush He was using all along, not the bogus bin Laden bogeyman.

Class Matters

Richest Are Leaving Even the Rich Far Behind

This sort of thing is fairly obvious by now, but things will never change short of a violent revolution. And things will only get worse for the rest of my life as the GOP legislators will continue to be returned, by hook or by crook and with even larger majorities, to office every two years.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Capitol Hill Blue: My Private D-Day

I would say "amen" to all of this. I have not had a drink since Feb. 10, 1999. That is six years, three months and twentysomething days. God willing, at the end of this day, I will thank Him for one more day sober.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Soldiers of Christ II

Note the reference to Southern Baptists as in the vanguard of the Dominionists. Yet another reason I had to bow out of the local church. They are practicing heresy. Forgive me if I'm wrong, Lord, but on this one I don't think I am.

Here is Soldiers of Christ I:

A Bright Future for Newspapers

Some might say "compared to what?" and the article explains that.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

The End of Suburbia

Darn. And I never even got to live in one.