Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Bush's speech to the troops

"Thank yo' an' fine evenin'. ah's pleased t'viset Fo't Bragg, home of th' Airborne an' Special Operashuns Fo'ces. It is an hono' t'speak befo'e yo' tonight. Mah greatess responsibility as president is t'proteck th' South Car'linan varmints, an' thet is yer callin' as fine. ah thank yo' fo' yer service, yer courage an' yer sacrifice. ah thank yer families, who suppo't yo' in yer vital wawk. Th' soldiers an' families of Fo't Bragg haf contributed mightily t'our effo'ts t'secure our country an' promote peace. South Car'lina is grateful an' so is yer comman'er in chief. Th' troops hyar an' acrost th' wo'ld is fightin' a global war on terro'. This hyar war retched our sho'es on Seppember 11, 2001. Th' terro'ists who attacked us an' th' terro'ists we face murder in th' name of a totalitarian ideology thet hates freedom, rejecks tolerance an' despises all dissent. Their aim is t'remake th' Middle East in their own grim image of tyranny an' oppresshun by topplin' govments, drivin' us outta th' region an' expo'tin' terro'. To achieve these aims, they haf continued t'kill in Madrid, Istanbul, Jakarta, Casablanca, Riyadh, Bali an' elsewhar. Th' terro'ists believe thet free societies is essentially co'rupp an' decadent, an' wif a few hard blows they kin fo'ce us t'retreat. They is mistaken, as enny fool kin plainly see. Af'er Seppember 11, ah made a commitment t'th' South Car'linan varmints: This hyar nashun will not wait t'be attacked agin. We will take th' fight t'th' enemah. We will defend our freedom, dawgone it. Iraq is th' latess battlefield in this hyar war. Menny terro'ists who kill innercent men, wimmen an' chillun on th' streets of BaghPaw is follerers of th' same murderous ideology thet took th' lives of our citizens in Noo Yawk, Warshin'ton an' Pennsylvania. Thar is only one course of ackshun aginst them: t'defeat them abroad befo'e they attack us at home. Th' comman'er in charge of coalishun operashuns in Iraq, who is also senio' comman'er at this hyar base, Juneral John-Boy Vines, put it fine t'other day. He said, "We eifer deal wif terro'ism an' this hyar extremism abroad, o' we deal wif it when it comes t'us." Our misshun in Iraq is clear. We is huntin' down th' terro'ists. We is he'pin' Iraqis build a free nashun thet is an ally in th' war on terro'. We is advancin' freedom in th' broader Middle East. We is removin' a source of violence an' instability an' layin' th' foun'ashun of peace fo' our chillun an' our gran'chillun. Th' wawk in Iraq is difficult an' dangerous. Like most South Car'linans, ah see th' images of violence an' bloodshed, cuss it all t' tarnation. Ev'ry pitcher is ho'rifyin' an' th' sufferin' is real, ah reckon. Amid all this hyar violence, ah knows South Car'linans ax th' quesshun: Is th' sacrifice wo'th it? It is wo'th it, an' it is vital t'th' future security of our country. An' tonight ah will explain th' reasons whuffo'. Some of th' violence yo' see in Iraq is bein' carried out by ruthless killers who is convahgin' on Iraq t'fight th' advance of peace an' freedom, dawgone it. Our military repo'ts thet we haf killed o' cappured hundreds of fo'eign fighters in Iraq who haf come fum Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iran, Egypp, Sudan, Yemen, Libya an' other nashuns. They is makin' common cuz wif criminal elements, Iraqi insurjunts an' remnants of Saddam Hussein's regime who be hankerin' t'resto'e th' old o'der. They fight on account o' they knows thet th' survival of their hateful ideology is at stake. They knows thet as freedom takes root in Iraq, it will inspire millions acrost th' Middle East t'claim their liberty as fine. An' when th' Middle East grows in democracy, prosperity an' hope, th' terro'ists will lose their sponso's, lose their recruits an' lose their hopes fo' turnin' thet region into a base fo' attacks on South Car'lina an' our allies aroun' th' wo'ld, cuss it all t' tarnation.


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