Thursday, June 16, 2005

Bush wanted to invade Iraq if elected in 2000

I read this last fall when it first came out. I thought it needed to be on my blog. It is also even more credible in light of the Downing Street Memo controversy.

To me, it was obvious from the Gitmo git-go that the pretzeldent intended to invade Iraq. He is recorded as having stopped by a U.S. Senate office in early 2002 as Condi Rice was explaining something to a group of senators. "F--- Saddam! We're takin' him out," he blurted.

Former administration officials such as onetime Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill have also indicated that the administration was fixated on how to take over Iraq within a week after inauguration in January 2001.

What's more, I think most Americans are (or were) okay with all this, in spite of the fact it is blatantly illegal and Naziesque under international law. The only reason the polls have turned on him is because the occupation has been executed so incompetently. Americans have notproblem with stealing Arab nations' resources per se. It's what Jesus would do. < /sarcasm>


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