Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Reconsidering Iraq

Fineman 'gets it' that the Iraq tarbaby is increasingly going to be THE issue. Dean figured this out 18 months ago, but nobody wanted to hear it. Many still don't, including all the Baptists, but deep down many of them know he is probably right. That's what the polls are showing.

The Democrats will never regain power. Fineman's right about that as well. Not only are they not very popular among the white Christian know-nothings and the rich/ultrarich; there aren't going to be any more honest elections even if they were. The results are determined by proprietary software owned by GOP operatives with no paper trail.

So that leaves the U.S. in a sort of 'no man's land' slowly bleeding to death economically and literally.

Bush is slowly destroying the country. It is as if God's plan was to destroy the U.S. all right, only it was Bush He was using all along, not the bogus bin Laden bogeyman.


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