Thursday, November 30, 2006

Traditionalists’ Muddled Thinking About God and the Good: A Bit of Philosophy

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Way Too Proud of Texas Guy

Soldiers in Iraq

Let us all repeat as good right-wingers:

"They all volunteered for this."

Monday, November 27, 2006

Colorado Homeowner To Be Fined For Peace-Sign Wreath

About The Peace Symbol

Sunday, November 26, 2006

East Texas' economic hopes hinge on retirees

You can be sitting in a restaurant in Mesquite in an hour," Flener
(president of the Athens Chamber of Commerce) said.

I'll bet this made Tyler economic development officials cringe when
they read it. You can be sitting in a restaurant in Tyler in 45
minutes or less from Athens.

Maybe Flener is a Hooters fan. Mesquite has one and Tyler, of course, does not. And there'd no doubt be church protests organized against one if they did.

I think the Sutter couple from Chicago has taken isolation a bit too
far. There is nothing all that scenic about Toledo Bend either.
Rayburn is a nicer lake, IMO.

Note Mr. Murdock says you need "topography" to compete (there's
another Hooters joke in there somewhere). That's why North Carolina is
so popular, especially the western part.

U.S. soldiers mired in Iraq strive for survival, not heroism,0,4111939.story?coll=bal-iraq-headlines

Saturday, November 25, 2006

N.Y. police kill groom, injure 2 after bachelor party

I suppose it's not unusual anymore for a groom of any race to go into his wedding night with two children already by his "bride-to-be."

Tragic in any event.

Ted Haggard - Daily Show

Who is the enemy in Iraq now?

A statement you could elicit from many members of Bushco upon administration of truth serum:

"The only problem with Iraq is that it is still populated by Iraqis."

Friday, November 24, 2006

Faithless - BOMBS

Allegedly MTV will not air this video.

The Democrats and the Slaughterhouse
Head for the Exits, Now!

LBJ's Mistress Blows Whistle On JFK Assassination

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Dependable Erection

Since 1949, Durhamites have slept soundly, secure in the knowledge that, in our town, erection can be depended upon. Now, thanks to the power of the internets, we can spread that security all over the world.

Blondes have more fun ... and better countries

The United States and Britain are near the bottom of the full democracy category, but for somewhat different reasons. America falls down on some aspects of governance and civil liberties.

LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT, pal. Oh, you don't live here to begin with? NEVER MIND! I am trying to think of some Norwegian cuisine I can boycott, but nothing comes to mind.

What's that you say? Norwegians per se had nothing to do with this report? It is merely an article describing the Economist Intelligence Unit Index of Democracy? You Nordic commie pinko Islamofascists know Americans don't do "nuance" (nor do we even recognize the existence of the term since it is French)!

It's not easy being green

The frog looks out of place among all the insects in these high-resolution photos.

Amazing Snowflake Pictures

This Thanksgiving, Bush Team and Iraq Leaders Face Range of New Realities

Three years ago, I was in a rehabiliation hospital in Tyler after having been run over by an SUV and nearly killed. Most of my fellow patients were elderly men and women in their 70s who had just undergone knee or hip replacements. I remember celebrating Thanksgiving dinner with them in our common dining area as Bush came on CNN with his fake turkey. I voiced dissent about the war even then (after all, I believe 9/11 was an "inside job" and did from almost the day it happened) and it was only because we were all so old and/or decrepit that the old geezers didn't break my kneecaps (which had not been damaged in the accident; both my legs were intact). My hip had already been shattered, though, although I didn't have to have it "replaced."

Published: November 23, 2006

WASHINGTON, Nov. 22 — Three years ago this week, President Bush made a surprise Thanksgiving Day visit to Baghdad, where he told a group of stunned soldiers that the United States did not wage a bloody war to depose Saddam Hussein “only to retreat before a band of thugs and assassins.”
Skip to next paragraph
Tim Sloan/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

For Thanksgiving Day in 2003, President Bush was flown without advance public knowledge to Baghdad, where he visited soldiers.

Mr. Bush and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will spend this Thanksgiving at Camp David, in part for a discussion about the meeting recently scheduled for next week between Mr. Bush and Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki of Iraq, in Amman, Jordan. There, Mr. Bush and Mr. Maliki will have to contend with the thuggery and killing that continues to plague Iraq three years after that hopeful Thanksgiving Day visit.

White House officials said Wednesday that Mr. Bush and Mr. Maliki would discuss a range of issues — from giving the Iraqis more control over security forces to American frustrations with the pace of the disarmament of militias in Iraq to the new political realities facing the president with the newly elected Democratic Congress, many of whose members are calling for some sort of withdrawal from Iraq.

The meeting comes as the administration, fresh off Republican losses and its subsequent announced ouster of Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, is considering a significant change in approach to the war in Iraq, which will surpass World War II in duration on Sunday. Officials acknowledge that the change that is in the air in Washington is causing unease for leaders in Iraq.

“It’s an important period we’re in with Iraq and for his government, and there is a lot of speculation going on,” said Dan Bartlett, the White House counselor. “The president will assure the prime minister that he’s the one who sets foreign policy for the country.”

Stephen J. Hadley, the president’s national security adviser, told reporters on Tuesday night that Mr. Bush would also discuss with Mr. Maliki the roles that Iran and Syria could play in helping to stabilize Iraq, rather than to inflame it.

But White House officials appeared to play down expectations for the meeting, with Mr. Hadley telling reporters, “We’re not looking for a big, bold announcement.”

In diplomatic circles, the visit was being taken as an attempt to send a clear signal that Mr. Bush was intensely focused on Iraq after a losing election that has been seen as a referendum on the war. The meeting comes as the Iraq Study Group, being led in part by James A. Baker III, his father’s longtime friend and adviser, is moving toward releasing a blueprint for a new approach to Iraq.

“I think after Nov. 7 they have to demonstrate that they’re seriously looking — turning every stone — for a strategy that will work,” said Ivo H. Daalder, a national security official for President Clinton and now a scholar at the Brookings Institution.

Mr. Daalder said the administration appeared in part to be trying to pre-empt the study group’s widely expected call for direct talks with the Iranians and the Syrians about the security situation in Iraq.

But two administration officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity so that they could speak freely about internal matters, said in private conversations that it would be unlikely that the president would do anything that could be seen as pre-empting Mr. Baker’s report, though they bristled at its expected suggestion of direct talks between the United States and Iran and Syria on Iraq.

Speaking before the Senate Armed Services Committee last week, David M. Satterfield, the State Department coordinator for Iraq, said the United States was prepared “in principle” to enter a “direct dialogue” with Iran to speak about Iraq, but that the timing of such talks was undecided. Mr. Satterfield dismissed any similar consideration for Syria.

Officials have been trying to emphasize that there are regional allies other than Syria and Iran that can help stabilize Iraq. In announcing that the president would meet Mr. Maliki in Jordan, Mr. Hadley said, “Jordan has been very helpful and supportive of the unity government in Iraq.” The White House announced Wednesday that Vice President Dick Cheney would travel at the end of the week to Saudi Arabia, another key ally in the region. Mr. Hadley said that at the top of Mr. Bush’s agenda with Mr. Maliki would be the results of a joint commission they impaneled several weeks ago to study ways to transfer more control over security forces to Mr. Maliki’s government.

That is one of several studies under way, including the one being overseen by Mr. Baker — along with the former Democratic congressman Lee H. Hamilton — and reviews under way by the National Security Council and the Pentagon. Those reviews will give Mr. Bush an array of options beyond any that come from Mr. Baker’s group.

Speaking aboard Air Force One on Tuesday night, Mr. Hadley suggested that Mr. Bush would spend the holiday weekend going over reports from the administration reviews still in progress as he considers a new course in Iraq.

“There are many voices the president will want to listen to,” Mr. Hadley said, including those of the new Congress and Mr. Baker’s commission. But, Mr. Hadley said, what is no less important will be the opinion of Mr. Maliki, “who’s obviously been developing his own ideas on the way forward.”

Thom Shanker and Sheryl Gay Stolberg contributed reporting.

"So, how come you guys haven't won my war for me yet?"

When Smirky McChimpenführer was in the Texas Air National Guard, after all, he managed to squelch all sectarian violence not only here, but also in Alabama until he went AWOL there.

How the Right Wing Tried to Suppress Our Anti-War Message

Giving Thanks

I thought this would make an interesting juxtaposition. Here are all the high school football fans imploring us to support the troops whose perpetual militarism has freed so many from bondage all over the world.

Meanwhile, back at reality:

I think both Americans AND Iraqis fervently wish "the troops" could be home with their families. I fail to see that they are "freeing" anyone from anything. More than 600,000 have been "freed" from having to breathe any longer. But there are still about 25 million sitting their on OUR oil, dammit!

I give thanks that my high blood pressure prevented my misguided attempt to become an officer in the U.S. Navy back in 1980. God is so good.

And, yes, it still is a great country. It's only the Deep South that's scary. Unfortunately that's who put our current regime into office.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

U.S. Retreat from Iraq? The Secret Story

U.S. legislator warns of Bush plot to merge Canada, the U.S. and Mexico

US could bomb Iran nuclear sites in 2007: analysts

Monday, November 20, 2006

General Ivashov: “International terrorism does not exist”

Autumn color in East Texas

‘Happy Penis’ program led men to stray

Global Orgasm for Peace

When religion loses its credibility

Crazy Web Claims Pretty Much Confirmed By Newsweek

Godlike Productions is one of my favorite forums to peruse.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Sheryl Crow - Soak Up The Sun

Class War
American workers have a chance to be heard

Bush and the Prince

What Next In Iraq?

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Bush Screws the Country

Blues Gorilla

Let's sing the blues for Roger Owen, who has taken his website down. Then he's going to leave the country. Damn Baptists!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I voted for you, Roger

Roger Owen is not taking his loss at the polls to Louie Gohmert very well.

I understand his antipathy toward the Baptists, though. Maybe they
destroyed his marriage because they suspected his wife was "gay"? Or
that he was? This is all so confusing to me. Does this mean also that
the five children born to Pastor Ted Haggard and his wife are products
of a "gay marriage" and thus bastards?

Border Security
Endorsements: * USA Border Alert * Americans for Better Immigration *
Alamo Alliance
Leave Me Alone..! ~ ~ Do Not Contact Me..!
~ ~ ~ This Country Is No Longer My Home ~ ~ ~
I am truly disappointed with the outcome of this election and no
longer consider myself an American. Through this corrupt Congress
which is controlled by Attorneys, Lobbyists and Special Interest, we
have lost this country. And I will be moving to another country in the
weeks to come.

As for the Baptist Church, I hold them directly responsible for the
destruction of my marriage and will no longer consider myself a
Southern Baptist.
* * Roger L. Owen * *
Photo of Roger Owen, Candidate for Congress, District 1, Texas.
National Debt Clock
Last Updated
Wednesday, November 8, 2006
* * * No Longer Fighting For * * *
Christian Values, Property Rights, Personal Freedoms & Small Business
In This Country!

...Special Notice...
I Do Not Represent Trial Attorneys
If Attorneys and their interests are important to you, I will not
waste your time.
My opponent's web site is here.

In my opening statement (at the top of this page) I pledged to
aggressively challenge the status quo of corruption and special
interest. The unregulated (special interest) profession of attorneys
may be the most corrosive element in our society today. There is
little doubt that this group is over represented in Washington D.C. at
our expense. It could also be argued that a good percentage of the
bills which become law contain areas of vagueness which financially
benefit attorneys in future litigation.

Being the unfortunate product of "attorney infested" Broward County,
(which now we are all aware of since the 2000 Presidential elections),
I ran for the Florida Legislature in 1982 and 1984 as a Democrat. One
of my main issues was to dissolve the corrupt Florida Bar and replace
it with an elected commission which would be accountable to the
people. To say the least, these attorneys never forgot.

Let me state that this may not be one of the most pressing issues
facing us today. But I still feel that even after 22 years, this issue
still has merit. We must make these attorneys accountable to us. When
we bring an attorney up on charges, we must be assured that they are
not going before one of their "champagne drinking" buddies.

Other areas which should be explored would be the amount victims
receive. Victims should net 95% of the gross settlement. We must stop
these blood sucking parasites from profiting off the pain of others.

In closing, let me share my idealistic goals when it comes to
attorneys. I would like to see a third of them behind bars, another
third digging ditches and with a third left, that is still to many
attorneys for our country.

Roger L. Owen

Putin Orders 10 Russian Military Divisions To ‘Full Alert’ Over Georgia Crisis, US Imminent Attack Upon Iran Feared

This is hard to believe. Most of what Sorcha Faal says does not come to pass. If it does, we can assume that the "negligent supervision" of Bush 43 outlined in the post immediately below this is continuing.


Tuesday, November 14, 2006

My Half-Year of Hell With Christian Fundamentalists

If You Supported Bush, A Yellow Ribbon Won't Make Up For It


Sunday, November 12, 2006


Gilmer or Barnwell Mountain or TMTC

The Texas Motorized Trails Coalition operates this recreation area, which is seven miles northeast of where I am. The only bad thing is that they closed down the picturesque roadside park at the top of the hill. Membership has its privileges. It is a metaphor for the "privatization" trend of recent years. I'm almost glad we never established a state park around here as those are going to be gradually sold off by Slick Rick Perry's administration, it looks like.

Lots of photos from BMRA on this page

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Cool blog

Wouldn't you like to know Kaitlyn better, too? I wonder what happened to her since 2004? Oh, to be a kid again.

I am Muddy Mudskipper
Saturday, April 24, 2004

Music: Garbage, Queer

Well... here I am in my basement listening to music in the dark watching my cat named Oreo sleep up on top of the computer, trying to think about something to say. I guess I should introduce myself first, right? My name is Kaitlyn and I'm from a school filled with hicks, wiggers, idiots, and ignorant people (No offence to the people that fall in any of these categories. I'm in the ignorant category). I live at my mom's and go to my dad's every other weekend. Um... there's nothing to do in my town. Nothing. Basically whenever my friends go somewhere after school, we all go to the only coffee shop in town, Perk and Beans. We just sit there and hang out. Some of us get VERY hyper whenever we have a Cornerstone, right Sara? Lol. Let's see... what else? I'm a t.v. freak. Cannot do without it!!! Same goes for the computer (and radio, playstation 2 [DDR], etc.). I like grunge music, classic rock, reg. rock, alternative, and sometimes other stuff. I need my Cheesy 80s music every once in a while. I HATE country, and dislike most rap and pop. I'm picky I guess. Aaaaand I think I'm done with talking about my likes/dislikes for now. But I'll do some shout outs :D
Sara- You are my bestestest friend! You know a looot about me and I know a lot about you. I always tell you things I won't tell everyone else. I know I can trust you. Band camp 2004. Yes. Fun fun :( .
Nate- You are a cool ass friend. Good luck with Chad. Your blog is really good, man. Keep up with it. It's interesting.
Keems- You a weird. Not a bad weird. A good weird. I like it :D. That's why you're my friend. I hope you have some more luck than you've been dished (with the boys, for example, Er)
If you think you should be on here, e-mail me or im me. I don't have time right now to list everyone...

Message to the Southern Baptist Convention

We now return you to your regular church-sponsored political rally for the GOP ("God's Own Party" in your twisted world).

Doobie Brothers lyrics

This was the best rock-and-roll band of the 1970s. The Eagles are a close second.

Friday, November 10, 2006

We Will Rock You

Interesting comment about oneself

Retiring Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld is seemingly admitting that Vice President Cheney's famous expletive uttered in the Senate chamber applies to him as well.

Rummy says, "I need to just 'go f--k myself.'" That's my translation of this gesture.

Israel official: Strike on Iran possible

Thursday, November 09, 2006

God is real

Three years ago today, I was the pedestrian in an automobile-pedestrian accident. A Chevrolet Suburban going approximately 40 mph ran off the road along which I was walking and hit me head-on.

I was critically injured. What is far more important, from a spiritual viewpoint, is that I left my body and went somewhere else for a while.

All I can remember really is that the angel or whatever it was kept telling me that only love can survive this life. I saw what looked like a "city" of departed spirits who were in the next life. I don't know how long this "astral projection" lasted. It was as if I was leaving time and entering eternity. But, all of a sudden, I was back in my body.

I saw no sign of hell during the experience, but I did feel very convicted in my spirit for all the times I had not acted toward others in a spirit of love and forgiveness. I came back from this knowing that whatever is not of love in our spirits is burned away like dross at the moment of our deaths.

I don't know if I ever fully lost consciousness in the hour I lay in the ditch before the ambulance arrived. I think I must have, at times. There was a man named Eddy Coleman, to whom I am very grateful, who was with me from a few minutes after it happened onward. He had heard the crash while he was watching a football game in his nearby residence.

It was only by a supernatural, I would say divine, intervention that I didn't bleed to death or lose my life due to lack of oxygenation from my one lung which had not collapsed.

But I knew in my spirit from this same divine presence that I was not going to die in that ditch and that I would miraculously recover and that it wouldn't even take that long.

All those things happened like clockwork. I really don't know why to this day. But I can only praise the loving God who spared me that afternoon of Sunday, Nov. 9, 2003. And remember that love is all we have.

I read a devotional series each day (well, I read several at once when I fall behind) by Charles H. Spurgeon. After my accident, our church choir sang "Leaning on the Everlasting Arms" probably because I had mentioned it in my testimony on Christmas Eve of 2003.

"Underneath are the everlasting arms." {#De 33:27}

God—the eternal God—is himself our support at all times, and especially when we are sinking in deep trouble. There are seasons when the Christian sinks very low in humiliation. Under a deep sense of his great sinfulness, he is humbled before God till he scarcely knows how to pray, because he appears, in his own sight, so worthless. Well, child of God, remember that when thou art at thy worst and lowest, yet "underneath" thee "are everlasting arms." Sin may drag thee ever so low, but Christ’s great atonement is still under all. You may have descended into the deeps, but you cannot have fallen so low as "the uttermost"; and to the uttermost he saves. Again, the Christian sometimes sinks very deeply in sore trial from without. Every earthly prop is cut away. What then? Still underneath him are "the everlasting arms." He cannot fall so deep in distress and affliction but what the covenant grace of an ever faithful God will still encircle him. The Christian may be sinking under trouble from within through fierce conflict, but even then he cannot be brought so low as to be beyond the reach of the "everlasting arms"—they are underneath him; and, while thus sustained, all Satan’s efforts to harm him avail nothing.

This assurance of support is a comfort to any weary but earnest worker in the service of God. It implies a promise of strength for each day, grace for each need, and power for each duty. And, further, when death comes, the promise shall still hold good. When we stand in the midst of Jordan, we shall be able to say with David, "I will fear no evil, for thou art with me." We shall descend into the grave, but we shall go no lower, for the eternal arms prevent our further fall. All through life, and at its close, we shall be upheld by the "everlasting arms"—arms that neither flag nor lose their strength, for "the everlasting God fainteth not, neither is weary."


I have a Kyocera myself.

Backside firework prank backfires

Sleep Deprivation Creating 'Nation of Walking Zombies'

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Alleged email from a soldier in Iraq to John Kerry

"My suggestion for you, Senator Kerry, is to remember that your speeches are recorded, and broadcast to us simpletons over here. You may want to write down what you want to say before you say it, maybe have somebody look at it before you say it and tell you what others might hear. Remember that we can't read your mind, if there are any misinterpretations in what you say, it's because you didn't communicate clearly.
Good luck to you Senator Kerry, if nothing else it's always entertaining to watch you try and climb out of the holes that you constantly dig for yourself.


Somebody who is watching his daughter grow up in photographs so that you can have the right to say whatever you want about him."

No one in Iraq ever threatened our freedom of speech or any other of our freedoms for that matter. For anyone stationed in Iraq of American descent reading this, I feel sorry for you, but if you actually believe this sort of nonsense, you are deranged. And I would have still been able to say that whether you had ever been deployed to that hellhole or not. Just quit makin' $h!t up in a desperate quest to rationalize your mission there. That's all I ask. I sincerely hope and pray you make it home alive.

Monday, November 06, 2006

I just thought these lips looked nice

How do you 'win' this, lady? What does 'victory' look like?

Peggy Smith was scathing about the attitude of Democrats to the war. "I don't think the Democrats want us to win over there so they can say that this is Bush's failed policy," she said.

Most Democrats support the war. Hillary Clinton is over-the-top warmongering in her attitude. So is Holy Joementum 'Sore Loser(of the Dem primary)man.'

The GOP controls ALL levels and all branches of the federal government, lady. If the war fails, you have no one to blame but your own frickin' party.


Sunday, November 05, 2006

I wonder if she's still smiling

Somehow I doubt Gayle Haggard will have any enthusiasm for putting her mouth or other erogenous zones anywhere near similar parts of Ted any time soon.

It's one thing for a man to cheat on his wife with a mistress, but this has got to be the most sickening thing that can happen to a woman.

Make Colorado Safer

Latest Privacy World newsletter received via email

Bush's Public Law 109-364 crosses the rubicon.

The Bush Junta has quietly "tooled up" to utilize the U.S. military
in engaging American dissidents after the next big crisis, with a
frightening and overlooked piece of legislation that was passed
alongside the Military Commissions Act, which greases the skids for
armed confrontation and abolishes posse comitatus.

Frank Morales' recent article, Bush Moves Toward Martial Law,
succinctly outlines the nuances of what the bill authorizes and why
it is potentially more dangerous to freedom in America than even the
Military Commissions Act.

"Public Law 109-364, or the "John Warner Defense Authorization Act
of 2007" (H.R.5122) (2), which was signed by the commander in chief
on October 17th, 2006, in a private Oval Office ceremony, allows the
President to declare a "public emergency" and station troops
anywhere in America and take control of state-based National Guard
units without the consent of the governor or local authorities, in
order to "suppress public disorder."

"Section 1076 of the massive Authorization Act, which grants the
Pentagon another $500-plus-billion for its ill-advised adventures,
is entitled, "Use of the Armed Forces in Major Public Emergencies."
Section 333, "Major public emergencies; interference with State and
Federal law" states that "the President may employ the armed forces,
including the National Guard in Federal service, to restore public
order and enforce the laws of the United States when, as a result of
a natural disaster, epidemic, or other serious public health
emergency, terrorist attack or incident, or other condition in any
State or possession of the United States, the President determines
that domestic violence has occurred to such an extent that the
constituted authorities of the State or possession are incapable of
("refuse" or "fail" in) maintaining public order, "in order to
suppress, in any State, any insurrection, domestic violence,
unlawful combination, or conspiracy."

Morales, an Episcopal priest in New York City and an anti-war
activist, went on several radio talk shows recently to discuss the
frightening implications of this legislation.

Morales traced the ancestry of the bill back to "Operation Garden
Plot" and the United States Civil Disturbance Plan 55-2, now
de-classified programs dating back to the 80's which outlined how
the military would be involved in suppressing domestic civil
disobedience in America. The groups listed as potential
non-conformist troublemakers included tax protesters, militia
groups, religious cults, and various other general anti-government

"It's very clear that they anticipated reaction to the agenda that
they had projected for themselves," said Morales, "they were
obviously aware of what they were gonna attempt to do in terms of
their world domination project....they estimated quite correctly
that there would be reaction on the part of the American people so
it's logical in a sense that they would have been moving kind of in
tandem with their global maneuvers to oppress us at home."

Morales said that the authorities know full well that a widespread
awakening is taking place and so the Defense Authorization Act was
essentially part of a move to try and "tool up" for the reaction
that will take place after their next lunge to destroy what's left
of American liberty.

Morales speculated that the trigger event for the push to use the
U.S. military against American dissidents under the bill was right
around the corner.

"I think it's gonna be rather soon - we have these elections coming
up very soon - that's telling - whether or not they attempt to steal
them again, I think there are a number of factors coming together
that insinuate the possibility that we're looking at some kind of
false-flag operation, maybe an assassination, a bio-terror
event....there are a lot of signs pointing to something alone that
line in the near future."

Morales was assured that any incident in which the military engaged
the public would not resemble a Penn State in that the population
would fiercely resist and the military itself would not do the
bidding of the Neo-Fascists in the White House.

"When the rubber hits the road and these corporate and military
entities attempt to send troops up against us....they're gonna
refuse," said Morales, citing efforts to educate government and
police locally in anticipation of what is yet to come, "It might
come to a situation where the military and the police turn on these
people and say this game is over."

"My guess is that if they're foolish enough to go that route,
they're gonna be rudely awakened to the fact that the American
people are not gonna go up against one another," said Morales, "I
think the great majority of the law enforcement people are gonna
stick to the Constitution."

Morales stated that we have no choice but to expose 9/11 as an
inside job even though it is, "Going to cause a reaction on their
part....but the fact is we're gonna gain more credibility because
we're speaking the truth, so when it comes down to the final series
of confrontations with these people it'll assure our victory - it's
never a sin to speak the truth to power."

Morales indicated that although this story had received absolutely
no mainstream coverage, there are already moves afoot to repeal many
sections of the legislation and many branches of the military and
the air force are in opposition to what the bill authorizes. He
encouraged a local response by means of recodifying law that
protects posse comitatus and clearly prevents the military from
engaging in domestic law enforcement, as well as barring national
guard troops from operating in other states.

Thanks goes to P Watson for the above comments.

Students take algae-to-biofuel project to MIT

Haggard confesses to 'lifelong' sexual problem

That's fine, but I think his greater concern should be his lifelong hypocrisy problem. The hypocrites ("ravening wolves" is how Jesus Christ described these pastors) of the megachurches have much to answer for. It is because of their political control of tens of millions of "sheep" that America has been destroyed.

It took less than six years. It is over. Maybe it really was all God's plan. I knew from 9/11 on that we were in the final days of the Constitutional republic our founders bequeathed us. I told everyone I met from September 2001 on that this president was the worst thing that had ever happened to America. In the early days, I was scoffed at and ridiculed. No one is laughing now.

We are all hypocrites. But not all of us have tried to "shepherd" fellow sheep. I am not ever going to tell anyone how they should live. Anyone who has a conscience already knows that.

When these allegations first surfaced, a female congregant said they were just going to "blow it off" because this kind of stuff is said all the time about Pastor Ted. Excuse me, "blow" it off? I suppose this is one way to phrase it. Perhaps that would be easier for the congregation to "swallow" than this?

Here's what I wrote on Thursday:
Maybe it's true, maybe it's not.
If true, it shows God has a sense of humor.
I begin another ROFL spell each time I read of a new hypocrite biting
the dust.
There was something I read one time that sort of stuck in my mind:
"Judge not lest ye be judged."
Wise words indeed. Too bad hardly anyone lives their life by them.
As George Bernard Shaw once said, ""Christianity might be a good thing if anyone ever tried it."

Iraq: Bush has a plan, and it's working

Haggard's "Muscle Stud:" The Ads That Lured Bush's Spiritual Advisor...

"There's power in the blood," (former) Pastor Ted, not any of the other "precious bodily fluids."

This incident has really crystallized my thoughts on organized religion as I have observed it throughout my life. I now realize I have never felt close to God in a church building. The bigger the church (now there are literal "megachurches" which look more like college campi), the more distant He/She appears.

(I put both pronouns in their because God is a spirit. There is no "Mrs. God" because there is no "Mr. God" to begin with. Sorry, Mormons.)

"Wherever two or three are gathered in My name" is where I have found God.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

One George comments on another

I know a lot of people don't like George Michael, but he's done a helluva lot more good in the world and created a lot more joy in people's lives with his music than the war criminal in the White House has with his bombs.

Of course, the words of George Michael's song was merely applied to the video, but I have a feeling the singer would agree with the interpretation.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Iraq, Broken - American Shock & Awe

I remember the quiet day we lost the war in Iraq;jsessionid=Q30HCDWBJVINBQFIQMFSFFWAVCBQ0IV0?xml=/opinion/2006/11/02/do0201.xml

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Texas Versus Tel Aviv: US Policy in the Middle East

Saudi study calls Iraq 'lost battle',00050004.htm

Bush and Abdullah looked so lovey-dovey in that photo at the ranch. How dare one of his minions say this. Don't Saudis want 'Murka to win?!

Can Undereating Make You Live Longer?
Eating Less to Live Longer
Here's a blogger who disagrees.

Scientists are using monkees to prove out their theories that we age better, have more energy, and live longer and healthier when we adopt the Auschwitz look intentionally. Scientists are using lab monkees as they compare monkees with normal diets to those with a restricted calorie diet.

I had wondered whatever happened to the monkees. I suppose they milked the nostalgia tour for all it was worth and are now no better than experimental lab rats.

If you want to keep eating like a pig, maybe red wine will help alleviate the damage being obese does to your body. But you'll still be fat like a pig. If you have a predisposition to alcoholism, you'll be a drunken pig.

Imus to Kerry: 'I knew exactly what you meant'