Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I voted for you, Roger

Roger Owen is not taking his loss at the polls to Louie Gohmert very well.

I understand his antipathy toward the Baptists, though. Maybe they
destroyed his marriage because they suspected his wife was "gay"? Or
that he was? This is all so confusing to me. Does this mean also that
the five children born to Pastor Ted Haggard and his wife are products
of a "gay marriage" and thus bastards?

Border Security
Endorsements: * USA Border Alert * Americans for Better Immigration *
Alamo Alliance
Leave Me Alone..! ~ ~ Do Not Contact Me..!
~ ~ ~ This Country Is No Longer My Home ~ ~ ~
I am truly disappointed with the outcome of this election and no
longer consider myself an American. Through this corrupt Congress
which is controlled by Attorneys, Lobbyists and Special Interest, we
have lost this country. And I will be moving to another country in the
weeks to come.

As for the Baptist Church, I hold them directly responsible for the
destruction of my marriage and will no longer consider myself a
Southern Baptist.
* * Roger L. Owen * *
Photo of Roger Owen, Candidate for Congress, District 1, Texas.
National Debt Clock
Last Updated
Wednesday, November 8, 2006
* * * No Longer Fighting For * * *
Christian Values, Property Rights, Personal Freedoms & Small Business
In This Country!

...Special Notice...
I Do Not Represent Trial Attorneys
If Attorneys and their interests are important to you, I will not
waste your time.
My opponent's web site is here.

In my opening statement (at the top of this page) I pledged to
aggressively challenge the status quo of corruption and special
interest. The unregulated (special interest) profession of attorneys
may be the most corrosive element in our society today. There is
little doubt that this group is over represented in Washington D.C. at
our expense. It could also be argued that a good percentage of the
bills which become law contain areas of vagueness which financially
benefit attorneys in future litigation.

Being the unfortunate product of "attorney infested" Broward County,
(which now we are all aware of since the 2000 Presidential elections),
I ran for the Florida Legislature in 1982 and 1984 as a Democrat. One
of my main issues was to dissolve the corrupt Florida Bar and replace
it with an elected commission which would be accountable to the
people. To say the least, these attorneys never forgot.

Let me state that this may not be one of the most pressing issues
facing us today. But I still feel that even after 22 years, this issue
still has merit. We must make these attorneys accountable to us. When
we bring an attorney up on charges, we must be assured that they are
not going before one of their "champagne drinking" buddies.

Other areas which should be explored would be the amount victims
receive. Victims should net 95% of the gross settlement. We must stop
these blood sucking parasites from profiting off the pain of others.

In closing, let me share my idealistic goals when it comes to
attorneys. I would like to see a third of them behind bars, another
third digging ditches and with a third left, that is still to many
attorneys for our country.

Roger L. Owen


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