Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Clinton would cream Giuliani, poll finds

Isn't that a ghastly photo of "Ghoul"iani? One thing's for sure. He DOESN'T need to wear a mask tonight. He is the most natural terrifying-looking individual I've seen in quite some time. If he were to steal the White House, it'd definitely be time to LEAVE.

The Air Force Cover-Up of that Minot-Barksdale Nuclear Missile Flight


China, secretly envious of America for so long, watched bemusedly, and not without a touch of pity, as its mentor lost its marbles.

Never in my wildest dreams growing up would I ever have envisioned "Red" China in the leadership role it has today.

Even John Lennon, bane of all "Christian warriors" of that era, sang, "And if you go carryin' round pictures of Chairman Mao, you ain't gonna make it with anyone anyhow."

The Chinese are, on average, about 10 IQ points above Americans already. More than a billion people who are by and large smarter are willing to work for 1/10th or even 1/20th of what the 300 million people here are.

Plus, the majority of our citizenry has gone collectively insane (only now are some few beginning to pull out of their psychosis) because of how the dumbed-down populace wrongly interpreted what happened on 9/11 and how it will not second-guess the actions of the criminal cabal leading it toward and over the abyss.

Together, these facts make for a bleak forecast for life in the 21st Century U.S.

Monday, October 29, 2007

The horror is getting to Matt Taibbi

Sunday, October 28, 2007

"Stick Magnetic Ribbons on Your SUV"

Canada will become one of the most powerful nations: Tony Blair

The "giant sucking sound" they hear in Canada these days is because of how much it sucks to be stuck down here in the States and governed by an elite criminal cabal which has committed the country to never-ending wars on the other side of the globe.

I Don't Know How To Love Him

Good video for a Sunday morning.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Mueve El Bote

James Watson Retires

After Racial Remarks

He also referred to his Scots and Irish forebears, saying their lives were guided by faith in reason and social justice, “especially the need for those on top to help care for the less fortunate.”

I see little evidence this is true around here when 71 percent of the largely Scots-Irish-descended population of this county votes for a man who refers to his base constituency as "the 'haves' and the 'have mores.'" Of course, he IS 'Anglish' — in 'Braveheart' speak — and so William Wallace's kindred clans have, in effect, voted overwhelmingly for Longshanks — repeatedly.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

You can't make up $h!t like this

Some CAN get high off it, though.

Ron Paul...Dirty secrets from the past

Attack Iran and you attack Russia

Darth Cheney responds: "So?"

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

MercyMe - I Can Only Imagine

Sunday, October 21, 2007

World War III Is Going To Be Hilarious

Dr James Watson flees UK after DNA race row,23599,22616834-23109,00.html

Black People are Less Intelligent, Says Dr. James Watson, Nobel Prize Winner and DNA Pioneer.

Living paycheck to paycheck gets harder

Lib'rul lies from "phony economists." That's what Quasimodo, the 300-lb. talkshow windbag, told me to say.

Seriously, there is such a disconnect between the top one to 10 percent of Americans and the other 90 percent that this is only going to get worse and NO remedy will ever even be offered, except for what we've already seen--increased "Homeland Security" surveillance to make sure those in the gated communities are protected from these potential "terrorists" among their own countrymen.

Eventually I foresee everyone below the poverty line being reclassified as potential terrorists and enemy combatants. If you cannot make it in our society, you must be assumed to be dangerous.

I just thought of something else. Maybe along the lines of the recent S-CHIP debate, we will expand the definition of "enemy combatant" to anyone making, say, 300 percent of poverty-level wages. Can't be too careful. People with six-, seven-, and eight-figure incomes DESERVE the style of protection to which they are accustomed on the job elsewhere as well. They may have to hire and equip their own private armies at some point during the devolution process to Third World country, which is already WELL underway.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Talk by Naomi Wolf - The End of America

The sun sets early on the American Century

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Message Board Post of the Day

From Godlike Productions

Humans are such drooling fucking idiots it's sometimes hard to fathom.

The races/ethnicities/nations of mankind are group organisms made up of individuals, not groups of individuals that make up ideological/religious/collectives- there's a difference between them and right now, in the Western World particularly, we have come under the thrall of the latter belief, unfounded and unnatural though it may be. You cannot impose your political ideas on an alien race/ethnicity/people anymore than you can import your history in replacement of their own. To do so results in failure or extermination, there is no other outcome. One wins, one loses, but you cannot live in mutual peace and respect as long as one is intent on exporting his collective worldview- Weltanschauung- upon another, conflict is the only inevitablity.

So yes, the lines in the sand have been drawn. Not everyone on the planet is desperate to see their daughters in cumshot videos, or having government paid abortions, or eat Big Macs and turn into huge fucking lardasses who sit in front of a glowing tube cheering on ball chucking negros. Some people actually prefer their own language, customs, history and landscape. They don't have a hankering for a five bedroom, six bathroom particleboard box sitting next to three hundred identical McMansions, or spend their evenings scratching lottery tickets to see if they hit the jackpot, they're just as happy to bounce their babies on their knee in front of a fire while listening to the sound of the crickets.

I think the world had held up its collective finger to the Jewish/American hegemon that dictates compliance abroad with hired thugs in kevlar and maintains control at home with usury, surveillance, and and 24/7 propaganda mixed in with mindless entertainment and copious supply of mind and mood altering drugs. I think even a lot of people in the West are waking up to the utter sickness and degeneracy we've allowed ourselves to become accustomed to in the name of comfort. All the nukes and thuggish military/police actions in the world isn't going to be enough to maintain what is by its very design a way to dusty death.

GM-union deal to slash labour costs

The end of the middle class, no matter how one feels about unions.

That's just the cold, hard reality of globalism.

It is going to be difficult governing a Third World country which had become accustomed to First World lifestyles.

That's what the Patriot Act was really all about — controlling the violent newly-disempowered peons.

You could call American people with nothing to lose "terrorists" if you are living in a gated community somewhere in whitebread suburbia. And that is exactly what is going to occur.

Millions of Americans will be redefined as potential "terrorists" and sent to work camps. It doesn't take a seer or soothsayer to predict this.

Masters of War

Monday, October 15, 2007


Sunday, October 14, 2007

Paul's 'isolationism'

The military-industrial complex is no myth. Eisenhower saw it coming. Now it controls everything and everyone, even the so-called "mainstream media" as evidenced by this editorial.

What's ironic is that the only opposition to any of it is being voiced through a creation of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, another cog in the machine.

But that's the beauty of the "controlled opposition" arising from the Internet. NSA computers are recording my every keystroke. They know I am but a frustrated prisoner of the system they TOTALLY control.

I am sure Dr. Paul already knows this, but he WILL be killed, if necessary, to prevent his inauguration. I suppose he wants to go out as a martyr and he's already 72, so it won't be a case of being cut down in one's prime a la JFK.

The MIC is really all the U.S. has left anyhow. Everything else has been sold off or looted. It remains to be seen how long the MIC can survive on the bloated, rotting economic corpse that was once the most dynamic industrial economy in the world.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Woman seeks rich husband, banker says "crappy" deal

A story like this reinforces the worst stereotypes of both sexes.

"Flesh and blood shall not inherit the Kingdom of God."

"The love of money is the root of all evil."

And the band played on.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Americanistic Personality Disorder

Monday, October 08, 2007

Nuke transportation story has explosive implications

Memo to officers: Taser a raccoon and you only make him angry

When the rest of us are slaves of the police state and are submitting to checkpoints as we attempt to travel across state lines, only raccoons and other critters will still roam free.

I have to admire raccoons' desire for freedom. Humans in America once even had it.

For U.S. military families, Iraq war can't end short of victory

What they wish for is a war crime in and of itself, because "genocide" is the only definition of TOTAL victory which makes any sense.

Just leaving a puppet government in place would not be a complete victory because it will just fall in time. After what has been done to the Iraqis by the glorious "coalition," there is no way to get ANY of them (outside of the Kurdish region) to think well of an American, be he a soldier, Blackwater merc, diplomat or whatever.

Their children already violated precedents set down by the Nuremberg tribunals after World War II (prosecuted by U.S. attorneys on behalf of us and the so-called "Allies") by following illegal orders.

They (the children and the parents thereof) will answer to God for these wishes and desires and actions, if one believes in a higher power and eternal justice.

If not, it's just another day in the killing field for failed, doomed and ultimately irrelevant humanity.

Runner dies, 300 treated as heat ravages Chicago Marathon Runner dies, 300 treated as heat ravages Chicago Marathon

Where are all the "global warming is a hoax perpetrated by Al Gore" jokesters today?

It's be ironic if the dead jogger was a "skeptic."

It is not deniable that the planet is warming. It is only up for debate whether humans can do anything about it. I say probably not and we are all doomed. So enjoy today.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Hit Me Baby One More Time-Britney Spears

The virgin thing was a complete fabrication. It was selling an image that people could have hope in.'

In reality, Spears had, since 1998, been dating Justin Timberlake, a fellow Mickey Mouse Club presenter who later became a member of the American boyband 'N Sync and a highly successful solo artist. But throughout the course of their four-year relationship, she was also, according to the industry insiders who speak to me on condition of anonymity, sleeping with several other men. One of them was reputed to be the choreographer Wade Robson, who co-ordinated stage shows for both Spears and 'N Sync and counted himself as one of Timberlake's closest friends.

'Wade started getting a guilty conscience and told Justin in 2002, and that's when Justin broke up with her ...

The Militarization of Our Police

American WARNING

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Rev Timothy Wright "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus"

Ron Paul 1987 Interview On Many Issues We Face Today!

A failure in generalship

A week in the war in Texas

"It's hard to tell why people aren't more motivated" in Austin, a university town ...,,2183276,00.html

Two words:

No draft

The powers that be learned their lesson well from the Vietnam era. These wars for oil and Israel will go on until we are so bankrupt that there is NO, repeat NO middle class left, as the wars will be conducted, as is already the case now, with more and more mercenaries (all at taxpayer expense, of course) and, coming soon, robots — VERY EXPENSIVE robots.

If you don't already have a whole of lot of shares of stock in military-industrial complex companies, better get some. That is, unless you have a conscience. This god I hear the troops and the nutjob churches invoke all the time doesn't seem to be the same one Jesus portrayed. It didn't take me long to figure that out. That's why I said "bye-bye, nutjob Baptists."

Making the same mistake twice

Charley Reese has described the Chimperor in a "nutshell" here (with emphasize on "nuts"). Our system has failed us. Both Cheney and the Chimp are out of touch with reality and it would be better to be living in most other countries of the world other than this one at this point in world history. We are now in a situation a lot like the Germans who had awakened too late to the reality of the Third Reich.

The irony is that it is the Jews in Israel and in this country and their nutjob allies in the phony "Christian" world of the Deep South, including East Texas, who are egging on this needless confrontation.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Iraq: The Hidden Facts

I have read the resistance's entire diatribe and can't find much to disagree with. It makes me sad to have to say that, but I'm just being honest.

The U.S. has destroyed itself. I had hoped this event would occur after my lifetime, but it's happening as we speak.

It is just that it happens. Empires have no right to exist. They always fall.

I would like to live in a republic again.