Saturday, October 06, 2007

A week in the war in Texas

"It's hard to tell why people aren't more motivated" in Austin, a university town ...,,2183276,00.html

Two words:

No draft

The powers that be learned their lesson well from the Vietnam era. These wars for oil and Israel will go on until we are so bankrupt that there is NO, repeat NO middle class left, as the wars will be conducted, as is already the case now, with more and more mercenaries (all at taxpayer expense, of course) and, coming soon, robots — VERY EXPENSIVE robots.

If you don't already have a whole of lot of shares of stock in military-industrial complex companies, better get some. That is, unless you have a conscience. This god I hear the troops and the nutjob churches invoke all the time doesn't seem to be the same one Jesus portrayed. It didn't take me long to figure that out. That's why I said "bye-bye, nutjob Baptists."


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