Monday, October 08, 2007

For U.S. military families, Iraq war can't end short of victory

What they wish for is a war crime in and of itself, because "genocide" is the only definition of TOTAL victory which makes any sense.

Just leaving a puppet government in place would not be a complete victory because it will just fall in time. After what has been done to the Iraqis by the glorious "coalition," there is no way to get ANY of them (outside of the Kurdish region) to think well of an American, be he a soldier, Blackwater merc, diplomat or whatever.

Their children already violated precedents set down by the Nuremberg tribunals after World War II (prosecuted by U.S. attorneys on behalf of us and the so-called "Allies") by following illegal orders.

They (the children and the parents thereof) will answer to God for these wishes and desires and actions, if one believes in a higher power and eternal justice.

If not, it's just another day in the killing field for failed, doomed and ultimately irrelevant humanity.


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