Sunday, October 14, 2007

Paul's 'isolationism'

The military-industrial complex is no myth. Eisenhower saw it coming. Now it controls everything and everyone, even the so-called "mainstream media" as evidenced by this editorial.

What's ironic is that the only opposition to any of it is being voiced through a creation of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, another cog in the machine.

But that's the beauty of the "controlled opposition" arising from the Internet. NSA computers are recording my every keystroke. They know I am but a frustrated prisoner of the system they TOTALLY control.

I am sure Dr. Paul already knows this, but he WILL be killed, if necessary, to prevent his inauguration. I suppose he wants to go out as a martyr and he's already 72, so it won't be a case of being cut down in one's prime a la JFK.

The MIC is really all the U.S. has left anyhow. Everything else has been sold off or looted. It remains to be seen how long the MIC can survive on the bloated, rotting economic corpse that was once the most dynamic industrial economy in the world.


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