Sunday, September 30, 2007

World's Largest Swastika

Should a woman be president?

I personally do not despise Mrs. Clinton, but I would imagine her presidency, should it come to that and it may well, will be an even bigger disaster than the previous eight years preceding it. And that guy's tenure will go down as the worst in our history. It's a record for her to try to exceed, though. She may be up to the task.

Let's face it. America is basically doomed and elections cannot change that. Our economy was destroyed over about a 30-year period and there is no way magically to reconstruct it overnight. And without a First World economy to sustain them, tens of millions of "entitled" Americans will resort to very drastic measures, most of them violent here in the South.

Spontaneous DNA, The Rapture, and The Rise to Fourth Density

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Of the world's 100 largest economic entities, 51 are now corporations and 49 are countries.

This was as of 2000. It's probably now 60 to 70 out of 100.

Remember that corporations exist for one reason — to maximize profits.

And they are eternal.

When they fully rule the world, I believe we will be able to say, in primitive evangelical fundamentalist speak, that ANTICHRIST is ruling. Or the New World Order, as GHW 'Poppy' Bush called it.

Mr. Housing Bubble HAS popped

And you're screwed, if you have a mortage.

Thankfully, I do not.

I learned from the bust. Never chase an investing fad.

US, NATO and Israel Deploy Nukes directed against Iran

Friday, September 28, 2007

What Do We Know About Oprah Winfrey's Thyroid Problem?

When I first read on the cover of a tabloid the other day that Oprah's weight gain was being attributed to a little-known syndrome, I thought, "Yes, it is called "Food In Mouth" disease. But maybe I'm being a little hard on the poor heifer after reading this.

Putin, Ahmadinejad and the New Currency Cold War

U.S. Nuclear Weapons Being “Guarded” by Israel

This may shed more light on who was behind the B-52 incident of Aug. 30. Israel is SOOO "jonesing" for World War III, it ain't funny. WE get to fight it for them. What a privilege!

More like "when do the treason trials begin?"

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Iranian University Chancellors Ask Bollinger 10 Questions

Air Force refused to fly weapons to Middle East theater

El Pais scoop

Interesting translation. Actually, former Treasury Sec'y Paul O'Neill in his book said the meetings on how to drum up an invasion of Iraq began only a few days after Bushler was first inaugurated. Then Cheney had his secret energy task force meetings in which they were going over detailed geological maps of Iraq. And people still will argue with a straight face that this had NOTHING to do with oil. What is it about people? Just admit it and move on, like Greenspan did.

It was an utter disaster and the U.S. will now be a Third World country, but let us all come to terms honestly with what happened over the last six or seven years, EVEN what happened on 9/11 which was NOT what the U.S. government immediately claimed as its "conspiracy theory." Whoever pulled that off destroyed America as we know it, not because of the towers coming down, but because of the disastrous follow-on events it set in motion and made possible.

Conspiracy of Silence

This is difficult to watch, both in terms of the video quality and the content thereof. But it is timely now that Republican perversion has been making the news on a regular basis once again.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Your book really scares and frightens me

I agree with Joe. Americans will NEVER go along with the solutions proposed. America WILL collapse into a police state-controlled permanent chaos for all but the wealthy combined with those same wealthy offering the collapsed peons a way out through enlistment in the permanent wars to try to capture natural resources in other countries.


"I'd love not to, but..."

1 I'm busy.
2 I'm gay.
3 My Proctologist takes priority.
4 I have to floss my cat.
5 the President said he might drop in.
6 the man on television told me to stay tuned.
7 I've been scheduled for a karma transplant.
8 I'm staying home to work on my cottage cheese sculpture.
9 it's my parakeet's bowling night.
10 it wouldn't be fair to the other Beautiful People.
11 I did my own thing and now I've got to undo it.
12 I'm enrolled in aerobic scream therapy.
13 there's a disturbance in the Force.
14 I'm doing door-to-door collecting for static cling.
15 I have to go to the post office to see if I'm still wanted.
16 I'm teaching my ferret to yodel.
17 I have to check the freshness dates on my dairy products.
18 I'm a lesbian trapped inside a man's body.
19 I'm a gay trapped inside a woman's body.
20 my crayons all melted together.
21 I'm trying to see how long I can go without saying yes.
22 I'm in training to be a household pest.
23 I'm getting my overalls overhauled.
24 my patent is pending.
25 I'm attending the opening of my garage door.
26 I'm sandblasting my oven.
27 I'm worried about my vertical hold.
28 I'm going down to the bakery to watch the buns rise.
29 I'm being deported.
30 I have to spend more time with my blender.
31 I'll be looking for a parking space.
32 my Millard Filmore Fan Club meets then.
33 the monsters haven't turned blue yet, and I have to eat more dots.
34 I'm taking a punk-rock totem pole carving night class.
35 I have to fluff my shower cap.
36 I'm converting my calendar watch from Julian to Gregorian.
37 I've come down with a really horrible case of something or other.
38 I have frequent gas attacks.
39 my plot for world conquest is culminating.
40 I have to fulfill my potential.
41 I don't want to leave the Twilight Zone.
42 it's too close to the turn of the century.
43 I have some real hard words to look up in the dictionary.
44 my subconscious says no.
45 I'm giving nuisance lessons at a convenience store.
46 I left my body in my other clothes.
47 the last time I went, I never came back.
48 I've got a Mass Murderers Anonymous meeting.
49 I have to answer all of my "occupant" letters.
50 none of my socks match.
51 I have to be on the next train to Bermuda.
52 I'm having all my plants neutered.
53 people are blaming me for the Spanish-American War.
54 I changed the lock on my door and now I can't get out.
55 I'm making a home movie called "The Thing That Grew in My
56 I'm attending a perfume convention as guest sniffer.
57 my yucca plant is feeling yucky.
58 I'm touring China with a wok band.
59 my chocolate-appreciation class meets that night.
60 I never go out on days that end with a "Y."
61 my mother would never let me hear the end of it.
62 I'm running off to Yugoslavia with a foreign-exchange student named
Basil Metabolism.
63 I just picked up a book called "Glue in Many Lands" and I can't put
it down.
64 I'm too old/young for that stuff.
65 I have to wash/condition/perm/curl/tease/torment my hair.
66 I have too much guilt.
67 there are important world issues that need worrying about.
68 I'm in the middle of a Herpes flare-up.
69 I'm uncomfortable when I'm alone or with others.
70 I promised to help a friend fold road maps.
71 I feel a song coming on.
72 I'm trying to be less popular.
73 I haven't healed from my last sex change yet.
74 I have to bleach my hare.
75 I'm waiting to see if I'm already a winner.
76 I'm writing a love letter to Richard Simmons.
77 you know how we psychos are.
78 my favorite commercial is on TV.
79 I have to study for a urine test.
80 I'm going to be old someday.
81 I've been traded to Cincinnati.
82 I'm observing National Apathy Week.
83 I have to rotate my crops.
84 my uncle escaped again.
85 I'm up to my elbows in waxy buildup.
86 I have to knit some dust bunnies for a charity bazaar.
87 I'm having my Olympic gold medal bronzed.
88 I have to go to court for kitty littering.
89 I'm going to count the bristles in my toothbrush.
90 I have to thaw some karate chops for dinner.
91 Having fun gives me the runs.
92 I'm going to the Missing Persons Bureau to see if anyone is looking
for me.
93 I have to jog my memory.
94 my palm reader advised against it.
95 my Dress For Obscurity class meets then.
96 I have to stay home and see if I snore.
97 I prefer to remain an enigma.
98 I think you want the OTHER [your name] .
99 I have to sit up with a sick ant.
100 I'm trying to cut down.
101 Well, maybe...

Fred Certain
Conservatives hate new ideas,
so they love Thompson

All Big Fred has to do is stand next to Hillary on a stage.

It does not matter what either one of them believes on the issues.

Americans vote on perceptions and appearances. Most are too dumbed-down to think. Others have totally tuned out, saying their votes make no difference and if voting really mattered, they wouldn't be allowed to vote (these may be the wisest of all among us, even though they are continually derided as having forfeited a precious civic duty and privilege).

Provided Ready Freddy's cancer doesn't return, it's over for her — game, set and match. Anywhere from 41 to 48 percent of the electorate has already revealed to pollsters ... repeatedly ... that they will NEVER even CONSIDER voting for her because in their eyes she is the female Satan.

If Hillary Clinton wins, it will have been because the Bush-Clinton combined family crime syndicate has stolen it again through manipulation of the electronic touchscreens.

Paper ballots can never return because the powers that be can never risk another honest election, particularly as America devolves fairly rapidly into a Third World nation. The peons might get some subversive "populist" ideas in their dumbed-down heads. Well, they wouldn't actually come up with the ideas themselves, but it could be planted there by some "demagogue" (as Fox News and all other major networks would immediately label such a candidate).

The Bush-Clinton Political Crime Families, which have shared power since the 1980s (I date the beginning of Old Man Bush's reign to some time between the failed assassination attempt on Reagan and his descent into Alzheimers, which gives us a window from March 1981 until, at the latest, 1985), are no longer popular and most have seen through them, but when you control the balloting, you don't have to be popular.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Warren Zevon - Werewolves of London

Werewolf caught up with Warren some years ago, unfortunately. This song so rocked! I had just come out of my harrowing bipolar experience of 1977-78, so I really related to the edginess of it.

Long Cool Woman in a Black Dress - The Hollies

One of the greatest opening guitar riffs of all time!

The Hollies - Sorry Suzanne

The dancers in the background look a little stiff. Must be because they're German.

The Raspberries - Go all the way

I remember when all the girls had that little "flip" in their hair.

Raw version of same song (Eric's hair had less preparation for this one as well):

The Rasperries- Go All the Way

This is the "I Need to Pop a Viagra First" version.

Argent - Hold Your Head Up

Good message in the lyrics.

Peace Train

Friday, September 21, 2007

Leave Coach Fran Alone

Russia to spend $1 trillion on infrastructure

They've got 10,000 nukes to tell the "oligarchs" (their version of our dual-loyalist Israel First neocons) to "bleep off" while they build a modern First World economy as the U.S. descends into the status they used to occupy.

It sucks to be controlled by Tel Aviv. We will be fighting their wars from now until Kingdom Come. In fact, that's one reason Bush won't give it up. He is such a nutcase at this point that he believes if he starts enough wars, the Kingdom WILL Come.

And fully one-third of Americans believe the same way, so we actually deserve what is coming to us, which will far more likely be 'Third World coming' rather than the Kingdom. In fact, the Third World is already here, in a number of ways.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Mungo Jerry - In the Summertime

The year was 1970 and everything was still groovy. Summer is just about over this year, though.

American Spy Satellite Downed In Peru As US Nuclear Attack On Iran Thwarted

"American War Leadership" is generally thought to refer to the faction known as "neocons" led by "Darth" Cheney, the president of vice.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

None Dare Call It Genocide

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Police Taser Florida Student After He Asks John Kerry Why No One Has Tried To Impeach Bush

I'm with the kid. All he did was ask a question and Kerry even appeared to agree to answer it and then ... ALL HELL breaks loose.

This country ended some time ago. It's hard to say whether it ended in 1963 with the assassination of JFK or as recently as 2001 with the "inside job" kicking off the perpetual war for resources (see Alan Greenspan's memoir), but it is definitely OVER and OUT for America as we knew it and particularly as our Founders envisioned it.

The most pathetic people of all are those who are slaves and think they're free. That's where we're at. Even if you don't agree we're already there, you can certainly see that's where we are headed.

So much for college as a time of free and open expression of ideas. These students might as well be in a minimum-security prison instead.

Kerry just lost the remaining shred of integrity he had left by not stopping the police. Granted, he didn't have much to lose to begin with.

Dr. Ron Paul for President

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Who Did It?

Kentucky at War

Friday, September 14, 2007

What the Duck!#$%?

The isolated South

The Republicans are in danger of being pushed into a Southern redoubt. Their increasingly narrow regional and demographic base bears a remarkable resemblance to the old areas of Democratic strength during the Republican heyday after the Civil War.

There is only one solution, if you're a Southerner. ALL-OUT WAR! It's what Confederates do.

Screw elections. If we can't rig them any longer, we have to abolish them. The people in the other 35 or so states are officially now AL-QAEDA!!!!!!!!

Very entertaining scenario developing - a Thermonuclear Civil War wiping out most people on this continent. The South will rise (from the radioactive ashes) again.

Most of the arsenal will fall within the first few days of the resumed "unpleasantness" which last ended in a truce (okay, surrender, but that was then, this is now) at Appomattox in 1865 into the hands of the "evangelical" nutcases who will dispatch the heathen North and West to eternity (let God sort them out) and then turn the remaining nukes on the other 90 percent of the planet who won't join their megachurches.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Walter Egan -Fool Moon Fire

I used to love this song, but I NEVER saw the video to it until now. I was very drunk during the first few months of 1983 and that's probably when this was released.

Why JFK Jr. was murdered

Near the end of this quite plausible correspondence is a reference to Bush and Cheney meeting recently in private with the LDS overlord.

The tenured BYU professor named Steven Jones

Jones' PowerPoint presentation

who was shown the door right after that was a physicist who had blown the whistle on the impossibility of fires from jet fuel being able to cause the controlled demolition of the Twin Towers, much less WTC Building 7, which collapsed in its footprint several hours later and whose leaseholder, Larry Silverstein, admitted on PBS he had "pulled it" (lingo in the trade for a controlled demolition).

This is key because it means Building 7, at least, was wired to implode before 9/11. It also leads to a reasonable hypothesis that the two main buildings were as well. The so-called 9/11 Commission Report is silent as to the cause of Building 7's collapse. That commission wants to pretend as if it never happened, because it raises so many other questions for the increasing number of Americans whose heads are no longer buried in the Fox News Channel propaganda's sand.

I will always have a vague memory of the year 1963 and what a paradise this country was. Then, I remember watching TV with our "colored" (as was the polite term among whites at the time) maid, Grace Finch, as Cronkite announced the sad news. My parents had gone to Fort Worth to hear the speech JFK would never give on the night of Nov. 22.

That was the end of this country and the beginning of the ascendancy of what President Eisenhower had warned in his Farewell Address in January 1961 was about to take us over -- the Military-Industrial Complex.

It would be better to live out the rest of one's days in several dozen countries on earth other than this one and that number grows with each passing day. But we're stuck here, I guess, in the "belly of the Beast."

I will no longer wave its flag, though. That flag no longer stands for what it did pre-Nov 22, 1963. Since 9/11, anyone waving that flag is presumed to be an American Nazi. Nazism is not going to end any more favorably for Americans than it did for the Germans.

You may say, but America LOVES the Jews, so we're not Nazis. A Nazi mentality doesn't have to single out Jews. It can single out any group. Say, Muslims, for instance. Or "illegal aliens." Nazis DO need scapegoats, though. They can never take responsibility for their own actions and the disasters they have created. It's always the fault of some OTHER.

I already knew this before I nearly died in the auto-pedestrian accident I had, but when I left my body that day, one of the greatest impressions I got from the angel or whatever it was which had taken hold of my spirit is that THERE IS NO OTHER. We are all in this together. And only love survives.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Longhorns fan nearly castrated in bloody bar scuffle

Although it is my alma mater, this man displayed the stupidity of an Aggie by walking into that bar wearing that shirt.

And, as the lawyer for the OU partisan SHOULD point out, a successful castration would only have made the younger fellow more nearly resemble UT's beloved mascot, Bevo the Ball-less!

The church deacon (why am I not surprised he was that) would only have been doing him a favor. Then he could have invited the young fellow to "come to Jesus" as his church choir was always on the lookout for a new soprano. And the young man would know for future reference to "steer" clear of provoking any more such incidents.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Russia Emerging as Haven From Subprime Nine Years After Default

Nine years ago, Russia was forced to secede from the Anglo-American New World Order global financial superstructure bent on dominating the world through debt finance instruments. The man in the penal colony is only one of many of the so-called Mafiya who stole Russia blind during the Yeltsin era and rendered its debts unpayable. Many of them are dual Israeli citizens. That always comes in handy when one wants to avoid extradition.

OAO Yukos Oil Co. was Russia's largest oil exporter before the government billed it for $30 billion of unpaid taxes. The company filed for bankruptcy in 2004 and CEO Mikhail Khodorkovsky, once the country's richest man, is now in a Siberian penal colony for tax evasion and fraud. He denies the charges.

President Vladimir Putin (who currently has an approval rating among the Russian populace of 70+ percent) has either imprisoned or forced into exile all these gangsters. Putin is a far superior leader of his country than anyone has been of ours in a long time. Our current leader is SO incompetent that we are on the verge of witnessing a reversal in the outcome of the Cold War.

Monday, September 10, 2007

37 killed as truck blows up in Mexico collision

Cue Neil Diamond: "They're coming to America ... today!"

Boston Legal

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Some Soldiers Still Criticizing Iraq War

Wild scene in Times Square last night

First, watch the 9/11 protesters' video (which has a nice shot of Laurie Dhue's derriere, if you'll pardon my French) and then the embed below that is what Geraldo was saying about them as he tried to talk about bathroom sex (as most hetero [i.e., non-Republican] viewers were fantasizing that the aforementioned Dhue would accost them in a stall somewhere or, better yet, personally "embed" them herself, to use a little YouTube lingo).

The Stupidest People On Earth

Congress has systematically passed laws forcing us to lie down and take it, in the name of security.

Was a Covert Attempt to Bomb Iran with Nuclear Weapons foiled by a Military Leak?

Actually, it's worse than this Canadian Web site thinks. The plan was to nuke Canada! It's got more oil than Iran.

I can just hear Cheney saying "Drat, drat and TRIPLE drat!" a la the "Dick Dastardly" character on the "Wacky Racers" if this really was his plan that was exposed.

Friday, September 07, 2007


Why "we" are the most hated nation on earth;_ylt=A0WTcVIx_.BGJ0sAfQOs0NUE

"We" in quotes because I am an exile from this country. I seceded from the U.S. government at the exact moment it perpetrated 9/11 and went on this worldwide killing spree on behalf of Israel and others (certainly not on behalf of the best interests of those called Americans).

Thursday, September 06, 2007

The End Begins

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Planet of The Arabs

Monday, September 03, 2007

Tell us more, top brass,,2161122,00.html

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Toto - 99

I finally learned in the "comments" section what this is all about. I, too, had thought he was singing to Barbara Feldon, Agent 99, in the hilarious 1960s sitcom, "Get Smart."

I never even knew it was from a George Lucas movie called THX 1138. Live and learn.

Toto - Rosanna

I had forgotten about the "West Side Story" reenactment in this video. I remember the ballerina in the role of Rosanna, though, and that's why I looked it up.

Rigged USA Elections Exposed

Saturday, September 01, 2007

McMansion mortgage meltdown fosters a new breed of equity strippers