Thursday, September 27, 2007

El Pais scoop

Interesting translation. Actually, former Treasury Sec'y Paul O'Neill in his book said the meetings on how to drum up an invasion of Iraq began only a few days after Bushler was first inaugurated. Then Cheney had his secret energy task force meetings in which they were going over detailed geological maps of Iraq. And people still will argue with a straight face that this had NOTHING to do with oil. What is it about people? Just admit it and move on, like Greenspan did.

It was an utter disaster and the U.S. will now be a Third World country, but let us all come to terms honestly with what happened over the last six or seven years, EVEN what happened on 9/11 which was NOT what the U.S. government immediately claimed as its "conspiracy theory." Whoever pulled that off destroyed America as we know it, not because of the towers coming down, but because of the disastrous follow-on events it set in motion and made possible.


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