Monday, September 24, 2007

Fred Certain
Conservatives hate new ideas,
so they love Thompson

All Big Fred has to do is stand next to Hillary on a stage.

It does not matter what either one of them believes on the issues.

Americans vote on perceptions and appearances. Most are too dumbed-down to think. Others have totally tuned out, saying their votes make no difference and if voting really mattered, they wouldn't be allowed to vote (these may be the wisest of all among us, even though they are continually derided as having forfeited a precious civic duty and privilege).

Provided Ready Freddy's cancer doesn't return, it's over for her — game, set and match. Anywhere from 41 to 48 percent of the electorate has already revealed to pollsters ... repeatedly ... that they will NEVER even CONSIDER voting for her because in their eyes she is the female Satan.

If Hillary Clinton wins, it will have been because the Bush-Clinton combined family crime syndicate has stolen it again through manipulation of the electronic touchscreens.

Paper ballots can never return because the powers that be can never risk another honest election, particularly as America devolves fairly rapidly into a Third World nation. The peons might get some subversive "populist" ideas in their dumbed-down heads. Well, they wouldn't actually come up with the ideas themselves, but it could be planted there by some "demagogue" (as Fox News and all other major networks would immediately label such a candidate).

The Bush-Clinton Political Crime Families, which have shared power since the 1980s (I date the beginning of Old Man Bush's reign to some time between the failed assassination attempt on Reagan and his descent into Alzheimers, which gives us a window from March 1981 until, at the latest, 1985), are no longer popular and most have seen through them, but when you control the balloting, you don't have to be popular.


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