Saturday, April 30, 2005

Out-of-work man gets the scoop on poop

I can imagine the following conversation at school.

"What does your daddy do for a living, Susie?"

"He picks up 'dog dirt.'"

Aren't we being rather comically Victorian in describing what the "gentlemen dogs" do on the lawns?

Speaking of dogs, here's my favorite search engine.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

It's confirmed: Ivory-billed woodpecker isn't extinct after all

This is very exciting news. I am still searching for reaction to this and I will post it soon.

Click here

A little agricultural humor

Texas A&M University ... Where the men are men and the sheep are scared.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Rove's Revolution: Bash, Break and Borrow

The latest from Chief Joseph

All is well

I am so glad to hear this. It's all good, as they say. And if it's not, just redirect your thoughts until it is.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Utah may be one of fastest-growing states

Teresa Thorne pushes her children, Preslie and Chase, left, as Jodie Lords does the same with her daughter, Kaylee Joe, through a housing development Tuesday, April 20, 2005, in Herriman, Utah, southwest of Salt Lake City. With a big influx of retirees and lots of fertile, family-minded Mormons, Utah is projected to be one of the five fastest-growing states over the next three decades. While both women were raised Mormon, they do not practice the faith today, they said. (AP Photo/Douglas C. Pizac)

It surprises me to learn that only 70 percent of Utahns are observant Mormons. This is bad news about Texas gaining another 60 percent in population by the year 2030. I can guarantee you most of them won't be coming to the Pineywoods. There's no way for them to make a living here. Lots of places to camp, though not as many as in the good ol' days. This area is already overpopulated until you get down to the area east of Lufkin and Nacogoches, a region which makes this one look like the Gold Coast or something.

The Lesson of Sativex

To paraphrase Willie Nelson here, why should I have to get a prescription for a flower? Much less be arrested for growing them.

The article mentions coffee. Recent studies have shown it's good for you also. I am thinking the FDA is really steamed it never controlled that substance. But they are not going to start requiring prescriptions at Starbucks. Not yet anyhow.

Monday, April 18, 2005

Arrested (and assaulted) for WWB (Walking While Black)

Strange that he has on that flag-emblazoned shirt after what happened to him. The flag is "red, WHITE and blue." Guess who that leaves out?

My take on this is that the Cherokee County deputy was just annoyed that his apprehension of the drug suspect on neighboring property was being delayed to such an extent that he was going to be late for his Klan meeting.

I see a USC ยง1983 civil rights lawsuit in this deputy's future. How ironic is it that the "Negro" he beat up is named "John Brown"? A little old-fashioned karma comin' down.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Welcome to my nightmare

Southerners vote to screw themselves over

The stereotypes about Southerners, by and large, are true. These people all voted for the snake oilman Bush and so even with their low IQs this should not be a surprise to them.

Almighty "Gawd" must want them to be poor and/or broke. Bush, His second-in-command, decreed it. And he's laughing all the way to the offshore bank.

Praise Bush from whom all gasoline flows. Or should I say "Preys Bush" to whom all profits flow.

Saturday, April 16, 2005

The Power of Nightmares

I am going to watch this by way of the link below next time I'm on broadband. I read about it when it first came out. You couldn't air something like this on mainstream media in the U.S. There is still a lot of self-censorship going on about 9-11 and subsequent events. I would say up to half the people by now suspect that the horrible truth is that it was an "inside job" to a greater or lesser extent. But many do not have the psychological ability to process such info. This would require admitting that the entity sworn to protect you and your family from all enemies, foreign and domestic, is actually engaged in destroying you. Yep, that's what Satan does. He comes to "kill, steal and destroy." You have been declared a domestic enemy of the USSA (United Satanic States of America) led by the Dark Lord Bush.

Link to video from Information Clearinghouse via Smirking Chimp

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Unitarian Jihad

Being a Loser in America

David Hoffman is apparently about my age. I also have a background in law, although I cannot say I have ever striven to be accepted into that world as he did. I opted out of it before I even got into it.

As for whether he is a loser and what exactly constitutes a loser, I would say the saying of Jesus about selling one's soul in exchange for the world applies here.

There are millions of apparent successes walking around in modern-day America who have no souls.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Means, Motive, Opportunity

Sunday, April 10, 2005

The Cardinals have elected the new Pope

Thank God we are at last rid of him! I am pretty sure even the "activist judges" on the U.S. Supreme Court who once fraudulently installed him in office will not stand for him holding both offices, particularly with all the threats of violence emanating from his minions recently toward the federal judiciary.

But I must also extend my deepest condolences to Catholics. If his track record is any guide to the future, within four years, he'll have just about destroyed the Roman Catholic Church.

Unfortunately, I have just received word that this was the St. Louis Cardinals who voted for him.

Recruiters fight long odds

Sometimes, Ariton said, it seems as if every kid in the county is smoking dope. About a dozen have flatly told him that it's not worth giving up the drugs, that they'd rather continue living at home, smoking up and working for fast-food restaurants.

He makes this sound so negative. Perhaps he hasn't heard of this study: Cannabis Compound Slows Artery Disease In Mice. You can't make stuff up like this. If you read the entire article, you'll find that one of his prized would-be recruits is named "Jihad."

I don't know why they don't just bring back the draft. Obviously the powers that be have a lot more war planned in order to implement the New World Order. They need millions of warm bodies to come anywhere near actually conquering the Middle East. I'd love to see an attempt made at conscription. Anything to bring back the golden era of music we experienced in the 1960s and early '70s.

"Be sure and wear some flowers in your hair." If all else fails, smoke them.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

The Economic Tsunami
Coming Sooner Than You Think

Behind Closed Doors at the Wal-Mart Media Conference

That picture showing the "Wal-Mart" sign differs from the ones around here. The ones around here read "Wal*Mart." I can't remember it ever having a hyphen. It may have.

Wal*Mart has destroyed our downtown retail sector in this small East Texas county seat town. Now a reactionary fascistic "church" is taking it over. Don't get me wrong. There are a lot of fine, upstanding members of the church, but it is a "cancer" on downtown. If you were to tell anyone who lived in this tiny burg 100 years ago that the downtown square would be swallowed up by a "megachurch," no one would have had a clue what you were referencing.

It's not that they didn't go to church. It's just that the "Christians" used to know that the temple of the Holy Spirit resided not in a building, but in the individual believers.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

What are now called terrorists used to be known as juvenile delinquents

Another reason the "war on terror" will last forever and will primarily focus on surveilling, immobilizing and locking down the American citizenry. Every member of Congress who voted for the Patriot Act is a traitor to this country. Of course, a lot of them were receiving anthrax letters from Fort Detrick at the time, so I can understand the lily-liveredness. They as cowards will die a thousand deaths.

Warren Beatty to engage in 'group blog'

Sunday night I watched about 20 minutes of television for the first time since football season ended because I wanted to see Jane Fonda on "60 Minutes." Now another icon of my youth is making the news.

I have to say my favorite Warren Beatty movie is "Heaven Can Wait." My parents wouldn't allow me to go see "Bonnie and Clyde." I've seen some of it on TV, but it's just not the same. Come to think of it, I've only seen "Heaven Can Wait" on the small screen as well.

Warren Beatty briefly flirted (and he's quite good at flirting, I understand) with running for President in 2000, IIRC. This reminds me. "Bulworth" was another good movie, although I still haven't seen it. The best movie about the ultimate phoniness of political struggle for office was "The Candidate" starring Robert Redford.

Beatty was one of the chief backers of Gary Hart during his quest in the 1980s for the White House. Gee, I wonder what those two guys had in common?

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Wake up!
Washington's alarming foreign policy

Saturday, April 02, 2005

America's superpower status is about to end

Gwynne Dyer is a man, BTW. I disagree with him. I believe Dick "Lon" Cheney et al. WILL unleash the nukes if there is not divine intervention to stave off this last-ditch bid to control the world. Cheney is the First Demon of D.C.

The new endangered species

This really "hit home" with me. It is not so much their owning the road that I mind. It is when they go off-road after pedestrians like me that there begins to be a problem.

If America dares to attack Venezuela ...

I have been reading about the Russian and Chinese anti-ship weaponry for a couple of years. The Navy is not as safe a bet as it used to be.

I think we are heading toward an economic collapse here in the U.S. and my view is that the demon-possessed "Christian" leaders in control of the White House and the Pentagon will not go down quietly.

What's good for Wall Street trumps their phony religiosity every time. All you have to do is look at how obsessed Bush is with privatizing Social Security for proof of that.

This isn't what the "values voters" had in mind when they gave him another term in office (if they even did; further analysis of exit polls renders this assertion dubious). There is a good possibility hundreds of millions of people will be dead within the next few years.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Schiavo judge, church part ways

I have to say I am no fan of Judge Greer or of his former pastor. What strikes me as strange is that Southern Baptist pastors like to quote Romans 13 about how we should all bow before our earthly rulers, but then only acknowledge one (or maybe two) of the three branches of the U.S. government as qualifying under Romans 13.

My position is that all three branches are of their father, the devil. And that includes the Southern Baptist god in the White House. And I cite as my "proof text" for this Jesus Christ's 40 days of temptation in the wilderness wherein Satan offered him the kingdoms of the world if only Christ would bow down and worship him.