Friday, February 29, 2008

Burka blog comment (Texas Monthly)

What I'm seeing is evangelical hard core conservatives crossing over to vote for Obama because they believe he is the weakest candidate in the general election.
February 29, 2008 4:50 PM

This is definitely happening and definitely how the almost inherently racist Southern Baptist and affiliated "evangelical" groups believe. I heard a hard-core right-wing political analyst on a "Christian" talk show last night crowing about how the "mission" of nominating the "unelectable" Obama had just about been "accomplished." He may well be correct, for all I know. I don't think Hillary has much of a chance either. We may come out of this election with the realization that we live in a dictatorship (something I admitted to myself LONG ago). Elections are all for show. Fear dictates everything.

What's amusing is that these "Christians" in their heart of hearts despise McCain nearly as much as they do the Dems running, but they still have decided it's time to "take one for the team," "hold their noses" and vote for McInsane. The only thing they have in common with him is that both love to slaughter Muslims in the 100-year war which is just getting started. Oh, if only the 1.2 billion Muslims would "come to Jesus"; it wouldn't be necessary anymore for us to kill them all (or "fight them there" as the code goes) and let God sort them out.


Aida Edemariam talks to author Joseph Stiglitz
about the true cost of the Iraq war

No comment necessary

However, I have thought of one. Is this "Joanie" from "Happy Days"' daughter? It looks just like her.

Poll: McCain and Obama lead in Texas

User Image
acheng wrote:
It is crucial that all the Hispanics come out and vote heavily for Hillary to offset the role of African-Americans in this election. Hillary must win in Texas, and she is definitely counting on each and every one of you to put her over the top and win the general election. This year, black across the country are infected with some kind of disease that has clouded their judgment. Bill Clinton was justified in making those remarks in NH about Obama's inconsistent voting record on Iraq. He cannot help it if blacks cannot separate fact and reality from media spin. Hispanics in Texas must have more common sense than this. We cannot afford a risky choice for President. Go with someone who has the proven record for bringing about change in this world, and reject the hollow hope rhetoric from Barack Hussein Obama!! Thank you for making the right choice!!
2/29/2008 8:33 AM CST

This is very disturbing to call the blacks "diseased" for wanting to vote for Obama. The moniker "acheng" probably indicates this is an Asian. Asians' racism toward blacks is legendary. The average KKK member looks progressive by comparison.

But I've always thought the initial phases of the 3-way race war would involve Hispanics versus blacks and this is already happening to some extent in southern California. I am certain the Asians are siding with the Hispanics in that ongoing ethnic cleansing.

This country is so screwed up and divided (not to mention on the verge of financial collapse) that all the "hope" rhetoric in the world cannot change the human heart, which is where this originates. I think the U.S.'s time is up. Multicultural/national empires are never stable and eventually collapse. I wish I lived in another country, for instance, the one to our north. This is NOT going to be a pleasant place in which to live, probably for the rest of my life and maybe even beyond my lifetime. The decline of the Roman empire dragged on for centuries, after all.

I now forecast that McCain will carry all but a few states in the general. These early polls are always WAY off. Remember that Dukakis at one point had a 17-point lead over GHW Bush before he was "Willie Hortoned" and "Pledge of Allegianced."

McCain would also defeat Hillary, but not by quite as much, I don't think. But she is toast because she is so hated. People merely don't like McCain. They HATE Hillary.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Akiane Kramarik - Spiritual Young Artist

Ron Paul Schools Ben Bernanke Yet Again

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The U.S. Dollar Is Being Destroyed

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Video: Interviewer Picks The Wrong Obama Supporter to Try To Railroad

Also watch Derrick's video he made explaining who he is:

Monday, February 25, 2008

Ross Perot 1992--2nd Debate---The Giant Sucking Sound

Ross was prophetic in two ways. The "giant sucking sound" came not only from south of the border, but from south of Bill's belt buckle.

The Most Expensive Air Crash in History

Because the U.S. military has acted mainly as a force for evil for most of my lifetime, I view this craft as a literal "bat out of hell."

Think how many civilians the United States Air Force has incinerated during the last 65 years. How does God deal with these pilots who were "just following orders," yet destroyed so many innocent lives?

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Brzezinski Seizing Control Over US Policy In Slow-Motion Coup

Yes We Can - Barack Obama Music Video

Very well done. I will try not to join a chorus of cynics. I just think it is probably too late for politics. "America" is not "a nation." It never has been. Even the original inhabitants were divided by tribe.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Ex-Congressman: U.S. Government Created Al-Qaeda, Involved In 9/11

Friday, February 22, 2008

Cher - Half Breed

Monday, February 18, 2008

US War Leaders Flee America During Most Dangerous Week

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Bernanke's State of the Economy Speech:
"You are all Dead Ducks"

Scatterbrain - Don't Call Me Dude

Now we know why the cop in the video below got so incensed.

Let's hope he never meets Tom Scholz, founder of Boston.

"...I think I've been ripped off, dude!">

The Guess Who - Share The Land

I love the big Canadian flag in front. I remember when they came out with it, soon after I had been up there to visit relatives in 1964.

This is a song about how it would be in a Millennial reign, I think. However, the faux Christians such as Southern Baptists would not be there in this scenario. They'd be too busy going "ain't it awful" about this or that sin they were judging as well as saying "we need to bomb those people" about all the "furriners" here and elsewhere.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Bill Hicks: What is the point to Life

Monday, February 11, 2008

Leonard Cohen Hallelujah

Hallelujah (Leonard Cohen) - Allison Crowe live performance

Sunday, February 10, 2008

James McMurtry "We Can't Make It Here Anymore"

Obama will be assassinated if he wins: Nobel winner Lessing

Most of us suspect this will happen, even if we will not openly admit it. The U.S. is the most violent country on this planet and second place isn't even close at this point (our "colony" of Iraq is more violent, I suppose, because this is naturally what occurs when Americans try to take something over--violence begets more violence).

Once you go, as I have, to Scandinavian countries as a tourist, you come back here and realize you are living in a "Rollerball"-style anarchic scenario compared to the placid, tranquil (although it might become very boring to an American over time because there's no opportunity for "adrenaline rushes" in a setting that close to paradise) lifestyles of the Danes, Swedes, Norwegians and Finns.

BTW, I have never seen "Rollerball" but here is a synopsis of it from Wikipedia. It's a little too close for my comfort to the reality of what has played out since 1975:

The game

In the film, the world of 2018 is a global corporate state, containing entities such as the Energy Corporation, a global energy monopoly based in Houston which deals with nominally-peer corporations controlling access to all Transport, Luxury, Housing and Food on a global basis.

The film's title is the name of a violent, internationally popular sport around which the events of the film take place. It is similar to Roller Derby in that two teams clad in body armor skate on roller skates around a banked, circular track. There, however, the similarity ends. The object of the game is to score points by the offensive team (the team in possession of the ball) throwing a softball-sized steel ball into the goal, which is a cone-shaped area inset into the wall of the arena. The team without possession of the ball is defensive and acts to prevent scoring. It is a full-contact sport in which players have considerable leeway to attack opposing players in order to take or maintain possession of the ball and to score points; in fact, in this overpopulated future, the object of the game in the original short story is to kill off the players. In addition, each team has three players who ride motorcycles to which teammates can latch on and be towed. The player in possession of the ball must hold it in plain view at all times.

Rollerball teams, named after the cities in which they are based, are owned by the various global corporations. Energy Corporation sponsors the Houston team. The game is a substitute for all current team sports and for war. While its ostensible purpose is entertainment, it also serves to demonstrate a valuable lesson: the individual athletes pale in importance to the team itself (evident in the fact that only their numbers appear on their uniforms, and not their names), just as the individual is meaningless compared with the corporation-centered society, which is paramount. Or, as Mr. Bartholomew puts it, it is a sport designed to show the futility of individual effort.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

What's it like to live in a sane country which doesn't start wars against everybody?

It's a bit too cold at times or this country would be paradise, especially compared to living through "the decline and fall of the American empire." Empires always fall throughout history. No exceptions. It is the natural urge of people all over the world not to be "policed" by self-appointed "global cops."

Texan Neocon rings George Galloway

Friday, February 08, 2008

AP Poll: To fix economy, get out of Iraq

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Willie Nelson on 9/11

Sunday, February 03, 2008

The Case for Impeachment

The Congress now essentially has no power to do anything but rubber-stamp anything any president does from now on. That's because it has refused to challenge Bush's arbitrary assumptions of powers previously considered to belong to the legislative branch.

We now live in an executive branch dictatorship.

If you'll notice, even when Congress passes a clear-cut prohibition against or directive in favor of something or other, Bush just issues a "signing statement" telling them to shove it and that he holds all power and will "interpret" the law in a manner consistent with his understanding of the (dictatorial) power of his office.

I would imagine Hillary will continue this practice, should she steal her way, through computerized election fraud, into office. The Bushes and Clintons are very close. Hillbillary are honorary members of the Bush Crime Family, going back to the covert Iran-Contra drug-dealing days based at the Mena, Ark., Intermountain Airport.

It has even been alleged that GHW Bush recruited Rhodes Scholar Bill Clinton into the CIA in the late 1960s and that student Bill's trip to Russia, under cover of his Rhodes Scholarship, was for that purpose.

Saturday, February 02, 2008


She called 9-1-1, but we are not told why.

This is pretty typical behavior of law enforcement, I would surmise, under Herr Bushler. Once he established his "reich" or "wreck" or whatever you want to call his misrule, 'the laws' have been on permanent 'roid rage rampages.

John McCain is Dr. Strangelove

Friday, February 01, 2008

Don't Mess With The Lady