Friday, February 29, 2008

Poll: McCain and Obama lead in Texas

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acheng wrote:
It is crucial that all the Hispanics come out and vote heavily for Hillary to offset the role of African-Americans in this election. Hillary must win in Texas, and she is definitely counting on each and every one of you to put her over the top and win the general election. This year, black across the country are infected with some kind of disease that has clouded their judgment. Bill Clinton was justified in making those remarks in NH about Obama's inconsistent voting record on Iraq. He cannot help it if blacks cannot separate fact and reality from media spin. Hispanics in Texas must have more common sense than this. We cannot afford a risky choice for President. Go with someone who has the proven record for bringing about change in this world, and reject the hollow hope rhetoric from Barack Hussein Obama!! Thank you for making the right choice!!
2/29/2008 8:33 AM CST

This is very disturbing to call the blacks "diseased" for wanting to vote for Obama. The moniker "acheng" probably indicates this is an Asian. Asians' racism toward blacks is legendary. The average KKK member looks progressive by comparison.

But I've always thought the initial phases of the 3-way race war would involve Hispanics versus blacks and this is already happening to some extent in southern California. I am certain the Asians are siding with the Hispanics in that ongoing ethnic cleansing.

This country is so screwed up and divided (not to mention on the verge of financial collapse) that all the "hope" rhetoric in the world cannot change the human heart, which is where this originates. I think the U.S.'s time is up. Multicultural/national empires are never stable and eventually collapse. I wish I lived in another country, for instance, the one to our north. This is NOT going to be a pleasant place in which to live, probably for the rest of my life and maybe even beyond my lifetime. The decline of the Roman empire dragged on for centuries, after all.

I now forecast that McCain will carry all but a few states in the general. These early polls are always WAY off. Remember that Dukakis at one point had a 17-point lead over GHW Bush before he was "Willie Hortoned" and "Pledge of Allegianced."

McCain would also defeat Hillary, but not by quite as much, I don't think. But she is toast because she is so hated. People merely don't like McCain. They HATE Hillary.


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