Friday, February 29, 2008

Burka blog comment (Texas Monthly)

What I'm seeing is evangelical hard core conservatives crossing over to vote for Obama because they believe he is the weakest candidate in the general election.
February 29, 2008 4:50 PM

This is definitely happening and definitely how the almost inherently racist Southern Baptist and affiliated "evangelical" groups believe. I heard a hard-core right-wing political analyst on a "Christian" talk show last night crowing about how the "mission" of nominating the "unelectable" Obama had just about been "accomplished." He may well be correct, for all I know. I don't think Hillary has much of a chance either. We may come out of this election with the realization that we live in a dictatorship (something I admitted to myself LONG ago). Elections are all for show. Fear dictates everything.

What's amusing is that these "Christians" in their heart of hearts despise McCain nearly as much as they do the Dems running, but they still have decided it's time to "take one for the team," "hold their noses" and vote for McInsane. The only thing they have in common with him is that both love to slaughter Muslims in the 100-year war which is just getting started. Oh, if only the 1.2 billion Muslims would "come to Jesus"; it wouldn't be necessary anymore for us to kill them all (or "fight them there" as the code goes) and let God sort them out.



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