Friday, November 30, 2007

700 Club: I-35 Can Stop Homosexuality

I anxiously await the coming report on I-69.

I can't get the Beatles' tune out of my head ... the one where John musically queries "why don't we do it in the road?"

Benny Hinn: Let the Bodies Hit the Floor

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Impending Destruction of the U.S. Economy

It was not the Grinch who stole Christmas. It was "globalized" corporations seeking to use U.S. citizens (and now also the illegal aliens within our territory as the citizens wise up to the 'Uncle Sam Scam') only as imperial storm troopers in search of new "markets."

Monday, November 26, 2007

"Master Jack" 4 Jacks and a Jill

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Ralph Nader: "Things Are a Lot Worse than We Thought!"

Russia Orders Nuclear Weapons To High Alert, China Blocks US Warship

Not being understood by the American people is that their War Leaders incredible plan to take over the Middle East, and its oil supply, must occur for the United States to able to survive. This is so because the price of oil is pegged to the US dollar, and which is currently collapsing on all of the Worlds markets resulting in the loss of countless billions to the West's major banking and insurance

Here is where I disagree with her. I think most Americans with a pulse and who are not comatose DO now realize it was ALWAYS about stealing the oil and/or making sure it was sold in dollars and not euros, and also that we are screwed because none of us had any idea our trillion-dollar-a-year military was going to be so incompetent as not to be able to pacify a country with no army (the "coalition" disbanded it and told the Iraqis to go home; they did and came back with homemade bombs).

But here we are nearly five years later and crude oil now about $65 higher than it was right before Rumsfeld ordered his lightning strike into Baghdad and then Halliburton was supposed to crank those oil wells up to 6 million barrels a day with no problem at all ... within just a few months. Instead, exports are less than 2 million a day, 1 million less than Saddam was allowed under sanctions.

Incidentally, China has since relented and IS allowing the USS Kitty Hawk to dock, for "humanitarian" reasons. It seems hundreds of family members had already flown into Hong Kong from all over the U.S. to meet with the crew.

Why Did We Invade Iraq Anyway?

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The shadows of a religious childhood

Southerners and Texans are just freaky people and stand out (usually like a sore thumb) wherever they go. They're too violent for their own good and their control of the U.S. government has us on the verge of a world war in the name of The (War)Lord Jesus. I wish they'd try to secede again. No one would care this time. The South is a huge drain on the Treasury. It's the poorest section of the U.S. Always has been, always will be. The IQ is not getting any higher down here.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Forecast: U.S. dollar could plunge 90 pct

Monday, November 19, 2007

EXCLUSIVE: Daniel Ellsberg Says Sibel Edmonds Case 'Far More Explosive Than Pentagon Papers'

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Apostasy: Is The Church There Already?

Blowing People Up: The Fun, Cool Christian Thing to Do

The Last Days of the PetroDollar

Saturday, November 17, 2007

"Becko-fascists" getting desperate

I would define our "enemies" a bit differently than how Beck would. Beck actually works for our enemies. They sign his paycheck. If I were him, I'd demand payment in Euros, though. However, he is definitely no "supermodel." It is actually painful to watch this guy. What's with all the hand-waving? Very distracting.

I am not calling on anyone to do any physical violence to Beck or his paymasters. I just want it put to an honest vote which viewpoints are more popular in the U.S. these days — Ron Paul's or those of his paymasters.

The dollar's decline: from symbol of hegemony to shunned currency

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Is The USA Heading For Third World Status?

My view is we're already there.

What historians will puzzle over is how a nation so obviously bankrupt, with tens of millions of its citizens suddenly plunging into near-destitute status after having been solidly middle class for generations, thought it could continue to borrow nearly $1 trillion a year from the Chinese and others in an attempt to "police (conquer) the world" long after it became apparent this was a quixotic and unworkable scheme and that our military wasn't up to the task to begin with.

And yet it goes on, year after year, and the middle class shrinks in inverse correlation to the rate of military/security expenditure increase.

Eisenhower's prophecy has come true. The military-industrial complex took over and proceeded to loot the nation. The process is just about complete. And the only thing that this parasitic complex can do, as the host (the American taxpaying public) begins to die, is to threaten new wars on behalf of Israel. Snakes bite. MICs start new wars.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Memorable quote

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our (Bilderberg Group) meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."

David Rockefeller Baden-Baden, Germany 1991

Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Economic Consequences of Mr. Bush

Canada reduces U.S. trade reliance as China rises

Thank you, Southern Baptist BushBots. We are gradually being voted not off the island, but off the planet, to put it in "Survivor" lingo.

Nashua Telegraph Editorial Board interviews Ron Paul

Saturday, November 10, 2007

BREAKING: Clinton Announces Support for NAFTA Expansion

Never has a candidate been so in touch with the views of her base. NOT!

If Rudy Julie Annie (he has to go out of his way to prove he's a "macho man" 'cause he has three female names) makes it to the White House, though, we will officially be in the same position as Germans on the eve of
World War II.

He DESPERATELY wants to start WW III (so do Bush and Cheney--especially the latter, but the generals are actually balking at it; see the "missing nukes" B-52 incident on Aug. 30--which was very likely orchestrated by Cheney outside the chain of command).

Hillary Clinton will not be able to start a world war as easily, though she might still try. It (insert verb form of what Monica was doing to Bill here) to be controlled by Israelis.

Ron Paul is the only candidate DEFINITELY NOT for starting WW III. How did we come to this sad state of affairs in this once-great country? Do Americans actually believe Russia's nukes don't work or something or do they just really all want to start Armageddon, as the Southern Baptist preachers are salivating for.

For any Baptists reading this, it's not just your preachers egging on the end of the world. They are merely the most prominent group lobbying for nuclear holocaust. I had to leave that church because I don't think this is a healthy attitude to desire destruction "in the name of the Lord."

I found when I was growing up that it was the middle-aged and elderly who were most into Armageddonism, maybe because most of their lives were already over and with no thought to youths who might not be as "enraptured" with their unprovable endtime doctrine. In my view, it is certainly not worth testing this theory ("putting God to the test" so to speak), inasmuch as if it turned out it wasn't the proper interpretation and Jesus, in fact, "tarried" and didn't return, you'd still have to clean up the radioactive rubble and bury the hundreds of millions of dead and somehow continue on. Oops!

Giuliani - The fix is in

Monday, November 05, 2007

Barack Obama - Not White Enough

"The prejudice of the race appears to be stronger in the states which have abolished slavery than in those where it still exists; and nowhere is it so intolerant as in those states where servitude has never been known."

I experienced an analogous situation while a student at UT Austin. The fraternities were made up largely of suburban whites who had either attended private schools or predominantly white public ones. These fraternities were extremely racist and were fairly regularly "called out" by the administration for some Aunt Jemima-style skit or float they had come up with or constructed.

This is really not nice when you consider that the athletics department at that school is a "money center" with an annual budget of $109 million. It would be mostly irrelevant if only the white race made up its athletes. Well, it'd still be good at golf and swimming, but hardly anyone pays money to watch such sports.

When you are raised around those of other races, you have to acknowledge, even if only grudgingly, that they are just as human as you are. Apparently, a lot of the whites at UT had literally never been around a black person other than in an airport or something.

I agree with what Reese is saying here, though. I said the day Obama announced his candidacy that this was a pipe dream to think he could "pass" and unfortunately he does still have to "pass." What Reese doesn't say is that Hillary Clinton may not make it either because she, to some extent, also has to "pass" as a man. But she has a better chance at that than Barack Obama does impersonating a white man. If this offends anyone, I'm sorry. The phrase "sad, but true" comes to mind.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Message board 'line of the day'

Remember when back in the day Christianity meant saving your soul and loving your neighbor rather than praying for a nuclear war?

Saturday, November 03, 2007

CNN: Price of Iraq war 10 times pre-war predictions

Shalamar - Second Time Around (1980)

Shalamar - The Second Time Around (1980)

Thursday, November 01, 2007

It's Not Only the Israel Lobby

"weaken us irreparably"

Remember that phrase as the Weimar-style hyperinflation courtesy of "Helicopter Ben" kicks in.

Roberta Flack once sang the musical equivalent of this: "Killing me softly ..."