Saturday, November 10, 2007

BREAKING: Clinton Announces Support for NAFTA Expansion

Never has a candidate been so in touch with the views of her base. NOT!

If Rudy Julie Annie (he has to go out of his way to prove he's a "macho man" 'cause he has three female names) makes it to the White House, though, we will officially be in the same position as Germans on the eve of
World War II.

He DESPERATELY wants to start WW III (so do Bush and Cheney--especially the latter, but the generals are actually balking at it; see the "missing nukes" B-52 incident on Aug. 30--which was very likely orchestrated by Cheney outside the chain of command).

Hillary Clinton will not be able to start a world war as easily, though she might still try. It (insert verb form of what Monica was doing to Bill here) to be controlled by Israelis.

Ron Paul is the only candidate DEFINITELY NOT for starting WW III. How did we come to this sad state of affairs in this once-great country? Do Americans actually believe Russia's nukes don't work or something or do they just really all want to start Armageddon, as the Southern Baptist preachers are salivating for.

For any Baptists reading this, it's not just your preachers egging on the end of the world. They are merely the most prominent group lobbying for nuclear holocaust. I had to leave that church because I don't think this is a healthy attitude to desire destruction "in the name of the Lord."

I found when I was growing up that it was the middle-aged and elderly who were most into Armageddonism, maybe because most of their lives were already over and with no thought to youths who might not be as "enraptured" with their unprovable endtime doctrine. In my view, it is certainly not worth testing this theory ("putting God to the test" so to speak), inasmuch as if it turned out it wasn't the proper interpretation and Jesus, in fact, "tarried" and didn't return, you'd still have to clean up the radioactive rubble and bury the hundreds of millions of dead and somehow continue on. Oops!


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