Thursday, November 22, 2007

Russia Orders Nuclear Weapons To High Alert, China Blocks US Warship

Not being understood by the American people is that their War Leaders incredible plan to take over the Middle East, and its oil supply, must occur for the United States to able to survive. This is so because the price of oil is pegged to the US dollar, and which is currently collapsing on all of the Worlds markets resulting in the loss of countless billions to the West's major banking and insurance

Here is where I disagree with her. I think most Americans with a pulse and who are not comatose DO now realize it was ALWAYS about stealing the oil and/or making sure it was sold in dollars and not euros, and also that we are screwed because none of us had any idea our trillion-dollar-a-year military was going to be so incompetent as not to be able to pacify a country with no army (the "coalition" disbanded it and told the Iraqis to go home; they did and came back with homemade bombs).

But here we are nearly five years later and crude oil now about $65 higher than it was right before Rumsfeld ordered his lightning strike into Baghdad and then Halliburton was supposed to crank those oil wells up to 6 million barrels a day with no problem at all ... within just a few months. Instead, exports are less than 2 million a day, 1 million less than Saddam was allowed under sanctions.

Incidentally, China has since relented and IS allowing the USS Kitty Hawk to dock, for "humanitarian" reasons. It seems hundreds of family members had already flown into Hong Kong from all over the U.S. to meet with the crew.


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