What's up with that?
This "ritual" of the Texas A&M Corps of Cadets was aired on national TV at around 5 p.m. last Saturday. It reminds us again of the saying, "Texas A&M — where the men are men and the sheep are scared!"
Millions of children were watching!
How disgusting! "Indecent" does not even begin to describe this sordid scene. It's not just the Congress.
It makes sense, in a perverse sort of way, that 99 percent of Aggies vote Republican and that George Herbert Walker Bush's Presidential Library is on their campus.
being the 6th guy in line... the only thing i gotta say is... we should have one that game...
I just have to comment on that last comment. I'm an Aggie fan but you're making all the joke's come true... its WON not ONE>1. DUR!
Based upon the rest of your posts, it's probably not even worth the time to explain, but I'll give it a shot. All those freshman are gathered up together around Reveille (the mascot) because it's the end of the game, and they're escorting her off the field so that your drunken fans don't mess with her. They're leaning forward because they're yelling for the team, because, as you can see, A&M was about to win.
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