Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Stepford Citizen Syndrome: Top Ten Signs Your Neighbor is Brainwashed

Check out the date this was published. I congratulate Maureen on her prescience. I am one of the handful of people who recognized 9/11 as a LIHOP or MIHOP from the very day I saw the WTC buildings fall (particularly WTC Building 7 at around 5 p.m. that afternoon).

I also realized, however, that the average dumbed-down person's desire to BELIEVE what his "Godly" (after all, the pastors had been preaching for many months that Dubya was all but Lord and God himself) President said after the incident would carry the day and that America as we knew it pre 9/11 was gone forever — and being replaced by something far more sinister than even most of the worst "conspiracy theorists" could have imagined at that time.


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