Sunday, March 27, 2005

George W. Bush is the AntiChrist

I have just come back from the First AntiChrist Church in downtown Pineville (actually we ought to term it 'Clearcutville' or 'Wastelandville' since nearly everyone who lives here but me hates pine trees and wants the burg more to resemble the "real Texas" out west on the treeless plains) and one of the congregants sought prayer for a young soldier shipping out to Iraq who has told all relatives he must go because previous generations of his family have and "this country is worth fighting for."

It reminds me of the Lieutenant Dan flashback sequence in "Forrest Gump" which showed all his ancestors dying face down in the mud during a war. He was upset that Gump had saved his life in Vietnam and left him alive with no legs in a wheelchair.

I think the country WAS worth fighting for, but that's over now. The USA/NAFTA/FTAA/NATO/WTO is the New World Order empire and this poor deluded young man is one of its "shock troops."

It will be destroyed just as every other one in human history has been. It is only a matter of time in spite of deluded dreamers like this guy.

(We will be able to take NATO out of the alphabet soup lineup before long when the last few remaining European countries drop of out of the vaunted "coalition" and join their saner brethren back in "Old Europe.")


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