Sunday, March 30, 2008

Mobile phones 'more dangerous than smoking'

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Johnny Cash Tribute

University Singers (UMaine)- United We Stand

I found this by accident. Beautiful song. Beautiful sentiments. First done by the "Brotherhood of Man" way back when.

First Class - Beach Baby

Rocky Balboa - Rocky Steps

Friday, March 28, 2008

Diesel - Sausalito Summernight

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Hillary! Stop the attacks! Love, Obama Girl

Show Toxins the Door!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Mondale issues blistering attack on Cheney

This is the most vivid representation of Cheney's serpentine look I've ever seen captured in a photo. There is no clearer case than this of demon possession that I have ever witnessed.

Why the US is collapsing

Japan Says US Financial Crisis Worse Than Its Bust, Urges Government to Recapitalize Banks

The reason no one is discussing this increasingly dire scenario in the campaign is so as not to awaken J6P (Joe Six Pack). By and large, J6P still believes anything Dubya and Limbaugh tell him and it is best to keep him nursing his beer rather than inform him, in Apollo 13 lingo, that there is "a problem, Houston."

(Actually, Houston is doing relatively well. This situation is the reverse of the late '80s when Texas was going bust and the rest of the country was prospering.)

McCain's chief economic adviser is former Sen. Phil Gramm, who played a major role in causing the crisis to begin with.

It is also true that Bill Clinton signed several pieces of legislation that Gramm desperately wanted passed, because of the latter's connections noted in the above release.

Both parties are owned by Wall Street and the primary ethnic group which runs that financial district (hint: rhymes with "news").

As long as we are tyrannized by the false dichotomy of the Republicrat/Demoblican duopoly, things will not get any better. And Wall Street will get any and all bailouts it demands. And the rest of us will be Third Worlders--living in a banana republic without bananas.

Why Ron Paul did not win the Florida Primary

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Fort Hood soldier's death raises questions on casualties

Pretty outrageous, but what's more outrageous is people still volunteer for this $h!t after all the lies.

I have to honor the deathwishes of those who have volunteered since it became obvious that the Chimperor lied us into it (Iraq).

In the case of Afghanistan, I understand many still feel 9/11 was a legitimate foreign "terrorist" hit on this country, even though I strongly suspect even that was bogus. It was either a case of LIHOP or MIHOP.

Top U.S. Banks "Worse Than Nigeria"

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Insane in the McCain Brain!

John McCain: Biggest Fag In War History

America was conned - who will pay?

Friday, March 21, 2008

Roads and Highways Will Go Private, Thanks to the Iraq War

Another consequence, I predict, will be the gradual elimination of Medicare (along with hyperinflating Social Security checks into worthlessness) and informal institution of euthanasia for most of the elderly.

Waging perpetual war has its consequences, especially if not done competently, and the consequence of the Bush regime's endless wars will be to leave a legacy of the U.S. as a Third World nation.

Of course, even in a Third World country, times are good for the überrich. Kidnappings for ransom, as is frequent in Mexico, may become more common, though.

I Am Become Death - The Destroyer Of The Worlds

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Rise of American Incompetence

Bush Is Wrecking Not Only America, But Japan

The Right And Obama's Speech

I can imagine the same scene the reader is describing happening here in my town in Texas.

We fail to realize at our peril that a huge percentage of the public is almost irredeemably unable to relate to ANYTHING Obama said yesterday. They cannot get past the "messenger" to understand the "message" and, furthermore, VERY MUCH DO NOT WANT TO DO SO!

Something HAS happened since Reagan. You cannot mix "affirmative action" with a rapidly declining economy and standard of living for most people and NOT expect this result.

Obama realizes that, too, but he cannot change these people's hearts. I almost have to question his sanity to even try.

He could have continued to lead a nice, quiet, Bill Cosby-style life. Now it is difficult to imagine what might become of him, but it probably won't be to his liking in the end.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Ralph Nader: George Bush a 'recidivist war criminal'

New Yorker: Abu Ghraib abuses were 'de facto US policy'

Harman became increasingly unnerved by what she witnessed, and said she would simply try to forget whatever had happened the day before with each new morning. She was asked how the other MPs could participate in the abuses without similar reservations.

"They're more patriotic," is all she could say.

This is why patriotism is often called "the last refuge of a scoundrel."

The Americans who have been caught torturing in Iraq are arguably no better than the Germans during World War II. Neither group could/can muster the courage to refuse to carry out illegal orders.

These same Americans who are "f---ed in the head" are coming back to man/woman our police forces all over the country or work for Blackwater and other "security" firms. Where else would they find work after this? They and their guns will be turned on the public very soon as economic conditions continue to deteriorate. That could be you in that pile someday.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Okla. pol's screed vs. gays sparks furor

Kern, the wife of a Baptist minister, said "everything is being played out of proportion.";_ylt=Am4MM2M0xcm3xhlUx98ecuQXIr0F

It seems it's always a Baptist and they are always so self-righteous. It reeks of Phariseeism. That was my first 'take' on that denomination when I was growing up as a nominal Methodist and I have returned to that view. Sometimes your first impression is the correct one. Also, she is admitting she has little faith in saying, with such hyperbole, that she wanted to avoid the so-called "lion's den" of appearing on or speaking with Ellen. What a coward. This country is collapsing because of the warmongering 'subprime' idiot she no doubt helped put into office. I understand she needs a scapegoat, though. That's what is so scary about Baptists. It's always somebody else who is to blame.

Ex-Governor Cuomo Says Close Democratic Race Could Be `Ruinous'

History doesn't repeat exactly, but I believe Bush has been analogous to the Harding-Coolidge administrations and McCain will be the new Herbert Hoover.

This is perhaps as it should be.

The wild card is what kind of control the Bush-Clinton Crime Family has over the touchscreens. The Clintons and Bushes are one and the same. The differences are promoted a la a fixed professional wrestling match.

Spitzer taken down by Mossad?

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Osama Bin Laden - 911 Anniversary 2007

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Barack Obama: We Shall Overcome

Obama Music Video-Something About The Man/Yes We Can Remix

Monday, March 10, 2008

Obama: I am running for President of the United States

Sunday, March 09, 2008

9/11 TRUTH Issues EXPLODE onto CBS National Radio

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Loreena McKennitt - The Mummers' Dance

South Park: The 9/11 Conspiracy


Friday, March 07, 2008


There is a profound lack of understanding of markets and economies, and there is still persistent lingering faith that the authorities effectively have a magic wand they can wave to make everything fine," he said. "Economies and markets do go down -- particularly after a multi-decade credit boom."

This is a genteel and euphemistic way of admitting that, yes, there is going to be an economic depression and, no, there's not a damned thing anyone, particularly not a politician running for president, can do about it. "Change" will be what's left in your pocket--maybe--if you're lucky.

I feel sorry for all who have not prepared for GD II. The next president's major focus will have to be on suppressing the rioting masses using the tools of the Homeland Security State so conveniently locked down into place by his predecessor. Now maybe the picture becomes clearer for you on why the Constitution and Bill of Rights had to be suspended. People without money look like "terrorists" to those who still have it.

This is what happens when you do away with debtor's prisons. < /sarcasm>

When the riots begin, the militarized police will swing into action and mow down millions of us, Tiananmen-style, which is only appropriate since that's where most of the jobs went. "Serf's up," will be the cry as the Blackwater jackboots take aim at another destitute "terrorist."

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Bush May Fire CentCom Chief Adm. Fallon,
Replace With Commander More ‘Pliable’ To War With Iran

Dr. Deagle sums it all up for ya

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

The Party's over

Clinton needs to gain well over 57% of the delegates in the states that are better for her. The only way she could possibly do this would be to utterly destroy Obama's reputation, make him a radioactive figure, like Al Sharpton. This also seems like an extreme longshot, though the Clinton campaign appears to be attempting to pull it off with its flurry of attacks.

Da bitch (Tina Fey's characterization) is gonna fight on. May even win the popular vote here in Texas. Ohio will be easily in her camp.

She has said in the last day or two that she thinks McPain would make a better president than Obama. She and Bill have really started to tear Obama down. They would rather destroy the party than see him win in November.

So I return the favor to the Clinton Crime Family. I now despise her so much that I would rather be incinerated in a nuclear war started by McInsane rather than vote for her or have to listen to her whiny, screechy voice for the next four to eight years. As a matter of fact, who's to say she won't begin the nuclear festivities even quicker than JohnnyMac, just to prove she's tough and has balls.

Donald Trump says Bush should go into hiding

He'd better stay away from cliffs, too, or that Marine might play "dead puppy" with him.

Monday, March 03, 2008

US Marine Throwing a Puppy Over a Cliff

US Soldier throws puppy off cliff - Watch more free videos

Our tax dollars at work.

'Enjoy life while you can'

Sunday, March 02, 2008

McCoys - Hang on Sloopy

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Does faith healing really work?

The Two Faces Of Hillary