Tuesday, March 04, 2008

The Party's over

Clinton needs to gain well over 57% of the delegates in the states that are better for her. The only way she could possibly do this would be to utterly destroy Obama's reputation, make him a radioactive figure, like Al Sharpton. This also seems like an extreme longshot, though the Clinton campaign appears to be attempting to pull it off with its flurry of attacks.


Da bitch (Tina Fey's characterization) is gonna fight on. May even win the popular vote here in Texas. Ohio will be easily in her camp.

She has said in the last day or two that she thinks McPain would make a better president than Obama. She and Bill have really started to tear Obama down. They would rather destroy the party than see him win in November.

So I return the favor to the Clinton Crime Family. I now despise her so much that I would rather be incinerated in a nuclear war started by McInsane rather than vote for her or have to listen to her whiny, screechy voice for the next four to eight years. As a matter of fact, who's to say she won't begin the nuclear festivities even quicker than JohnnyMac, just to prove she's tough and has balls.


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