Thursday, June 05, 2008

Clyburn: Clinton Supporters Flood Office With Hate Calls

This is just bizarre. Why NOT endorse him now that he's got the delegates? What was unusual was that this black congressman had not LONG AGO endorsed him and instead stuck with Hillary to the bitter end.

South Carolina is where the slaves were brought ashore and I guess it must be one of THE most racist states. Maybe they would have voted for Strom Thurmond's mulatto child, but I doubt it. I think South Carolinians must think anyone with even one drop of non-Caucasoid blood is subhuman.

This election will go to Insane McCain by default, provided he lives that long. I wouldn't wish this disaster on Obama to begin with. He is really going to be grateful a year from now that he lost in a landslide (provided some South Carolinian doesn't take a "lucky shot" at him before then). Clearly, the country needs to go into its final stage of demise and disintegration (pardon the pun) under the neocon/Israel First GOPers, who did so much to bring us this far over the last nearly eight years.


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