Saturday, May 31, 2008

Ford to open new plant in Mexico

This may be surprising, considering the source, but I do NOT entirely blame Bush for what is now occurring with a vengeance. All he and Cheney did was move up the timetable from around 2015 or so to the 2007-08 era.

I am absolutely SURE, neither one being of or having any real military background (especially not 5-deferment Dick), they believed their own rhetoric about Iraq being a cakewalk and that by no later than 2005 there would be 6 million barrels a day exported rather than less than 2 million as is actually the case (it was 3.5 million under UN sanctions).

So instead of reaching Peak Oil in 2015 or later, it began hitting in around 2005 (number of barrels per day worldwide has plateaued since that year while demand continues to increase). If "they" ever stabilize Iraq and begin pumping at the rate Dick always thought they would right off the bat, things would get a little better temporarily.

Pessimistic predictions of future oil production operate on the thesis that the peak has already occurred[4][5][6][7] or will occur shortly[8]proactive mitigation may no longer be an option, predict a global depression, perhaps even initiating a chain reaction of the various feedback mechanisms in the global market which might stimulate a collapse of global industrial civilization. In early 2008 there are signs that a possible recession will be made worse by rising oil prices.[9] and, as

The U.S. is screwed worse than practically any other country on earth because of its size and the way everyone has moved to suburbia. But this "screwed" process will play out for the rest of our lives. There is no way to reverse the clock and build infrastructure wisely and in an energy-efficient manner. We now go to hell with the infrastructure we have, to paraphrase Rumsfeld ("we go to war with the army we have").

I remember when everyone started buying SUVs. Trucks were always around, but SUVs are a craze that began around 1990 or so. A lot of women wanted one because it made them feel better about themselves to tower over others in traffic. No joke. Then when there was a "critical mass" of them on the road, others had to buy them in order to feel safe in a crash. You didn't want to be driving a Ford Focus when you inevitably crashed into the Suburban (much less on foot).

So it became an "arms race" of energy inefficiency, leaving soccer moms screwn forever. Now no one wants their SUV, which is mostly parked in the driveway these days.


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