Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Sexual suppression is creating HATE and WAR

This sort of ties in with the Austin Powers quote one post below:

ALL religions are based on control of
human sexuality and severe repression
of womens sexuality.

Until 75 years ago social order said
women have NO desires and were
made ONLY to breed and service males.

The systematic suppression of sex drives
for 3,500 years has made women frustrated
and full of self denial and subconsciously
blaming all men who are NATURALLY supposed
to be defending the NATURAL SEX DRIVES
of women as NATURES way to assure procreation

Males are pushed away so women can
stay within the NARROW CONFINES of
sexual action allowed by MALE LAWS
or risk torture and death .

Keeping distance from male desire helped
assure not being murdered.
The average man no longer has long sight
to see the dynamics at work so cannot see his
lack of understanding contributes to womens
repulsion of HIS desires.

He takes it personally and often harms the woman.
This is the primary set-up that creates generations
of frustration, blaming, hate,neurosis, and stifled anger.

Now the masses are made easy to manipulate and
push to this orthat belief and crisis/war stance.

Sexual freedom is path to tolerance and peace.
Womens sexual freedom.
Moving away from religious supression
and into the LIGHT of physical joy leads to world peace.

Create a place and times for indulging in SELF
gratification, build confidence,bring in a playmate
of YOUR CHOICE,learn to give each other pleasure.

There are many sexual help manulas
and sites to begin the re-learning process.

Start your path to bringing world peace
into manifestation today.

Don't forget the candles !


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