Sunday, October 15, 2006

White House Upbeat About GOP Prospects

The question is whether this is a case of justified confidence -- based on Bush's and Rove's electoral record and knowledge of the money, technology and other assets at their command -- or of self-delusion.

Technology is the key word here. The White House controls the counting of the votes. In fact, as it has established a "unitary executive" and rendered the other two branches impotent while announcing it would no longer abide by the plain meaning of the Bill of Rights and most of the rest of the Constitution (except for Article II, of course, which deals with the executive branch), it is amazing that ANYONE would think we are about to experience an honest election.

You live in a "unitary executive" presidential dictatorship. Rove and Bush already know the results of the election next month. They will tweak the actual numbers a bit so as to make it appear less obvious, but the apathy is so overwhelming that I don't think even that is necessary.


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