The Truth About George W. Bush
This article alleges an adulterous bisexual affair with "Victor Ashe, the current American ambassador to Poland (formerly mayor of Knoxville, Tennessee and Exec. V.P.; C.F.O. of Fannie Mae)" and the dominatrix pictured here.
Somehow Victor's service with a firm called "Fannie Mae" seems to fit the purported fact pattern here.
My "take" on this is that Dubya was drinking very heavily in 1984 and so something like this very well could have occurred. His past kinky sex life, if it happened, is of no concern to me. However, I am not sure the fundamentalist pastors who put him where he is today would agree (even though many of them have the same sorts of "exploits" in their past).
I reiterate what I said to Laura Schlessinger below in different words, first spoken by a very famous religious figure not recognized by Dr. Laura. "Let he (or she) who is without sin cast the first stone."
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