Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Come as you are (Seattle ultraconservative fundie cult)

Very long and depressing article, but well worth reading as a portent
of the future. There are many "mind control"-style churches of this
type in this neck of the woods and there have been since time
immemorial. Once they complete their takeover of the 'burbs and cities
as well, the U.S. will plunge into a new Dark Age to go along with the
perpetual wars on everything and everyone everywhere, especially on
the people who just want to be left alone by the "feral gubmint." But
that's okay, because according to the script these people follow,
they'll all have been Raptured and the rest of us will envy the dead.

I can definitely feel that sort of era approaching. I just think they
are going to be unpleasantly surprised when they are still here on
earth with the rest of us in their clothes (going through the manmade
hell created by the insane policies of the federal government they so
fervently supported) instead of rising naked into the skies to meet
the Lord in the air. Believers have thought they were on the verge of
being raptured out ever since the First Century.

As Thomas Jefferson, my favorite founder, once said, "I swear upon the
altar of God, eternal hostility to every form of tyranny over the mind
of man."


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