Kissinger warns of possible "war of civilizations"

I suppose Heinrich "Heinz" Kissinger is admitting that Bush 43 has been a colossal failure. HAK now has an air of desperation about him in this column.
I say again to the Jesus Camp kids. Your dark lord 'Henry the K' needs you to enlist. There's not a moment to waste. I am lowering the age of recruits to 10. The hormones in the milk are causing many of you to come of age sooner and many in that age cohort should prove adequate for the assault on Tehran.
Or we could call on "Heinz" himself to take up arms, but he's never done that in his octogenarian-length life to date. He just starts the wars. He leaves it to others to raise the armies.
Your damn right. Kissinger is a serpent and an agent of Israel. And he is trying to sucker America into fighting the Jews' battles with his doomsday rhetoric. Fabricating a clash of cultures so we save Israel's ass. They want the Jews to have the nukes unchallenged. Iraq has woken the masses to the Jewish conspiracy which has transformed America into a colony of Israel. It's sweet how this devil slipped in the New World Order solution too. Mentally preparing the sheeple of America for the one world government. Let's hope this old octogenarian asshole kicks the bucket SOON. Shalom!
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