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The Law and The Promise
Neville writes:::There is no inevitable permanence in anything. Both past and present continue to exist only because they are sustained by "Imagining" on some level or other; and a radical transformation of life is always possible by man revising the undesirable part of it.
Ananda writes:::As I become aware of my thoughts and the Power they have to make my world a Heaven or a hell ....I become ever vigilant....Watching my words and the emotions that fuel them into space and time...
Lately I AM spending less time outside of my Mind...Searching for answers where they cannot be found...I AM now spending my time in revising past and future occurances that sometimes appear as they have already come into being and other times as a possible future event....Time and space are simply a belief that man has made to keep Heaven some place in the Future...
Neville tells us that Time matters not in eternity and that all we need do is see the desired outcome Now...where we err ....We need simply "Choose Again" and revise the outcome in our wonderful imagination....
Glory be....In this awareness the One Self is reborn ....
Richest Blessings!
Love Deeply!
Ananda"Lately I AM spending less time outside of my Mind"Good idea. It's never wise to be "out of one's mind."
I got on this New Age mailing list in the late 1990s.
While I do not take it as "gospel" or anything, I am
not nearly as dogmatic as I used to be and I give it
at least as much validity as I do the rantings of the
First Republican Neocon Baptist Church pastors.
At least John and Ananda preach love rather than war.
In that respect they are way more Christlike than the
average fundamentalist church in America. Since
"gospel" just means "good news" I suppose there is not
much left of it in the organized churches, especially
in the South, unless you are in favor of perpetual war
abroad and dictatorship at home. Dictatorship would
only work if you are willing to accept that Bush is
God. That's what they used to do in Rome 2,000 years
ago. Caesar was God. Maybe it's just me, but I don't.