Tuesday, January 31, 2006

9/11 Special - Dutch Television Documentary


Watching segments like this always makes me think how much better it would be right now to live in another country. Canada always comes to mind, but Europe and Scandinavia would also be all right, except for the language difficulties I would have.

The fact of the matter is that so long as we are not allowed to question the "official version" of 9-11 (and it is routinely questioned and doubted all over the world without those doing so being labeled as "crazy" or kooks"), the bogus "war on terror" will go on forever, which is exactly what our "unitary executive" in the White House desires anyhow.

Jack Abramoff, “Super Zionist”

Monday, January 30, 2006

The monster who killed her kids

She does not look like our traditional conception of Arkansas "trailer trash."

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Bush 'a terrorist': Chavez

Friday, January 27, 2006

Houston PD Running Nuclear Disaster Drills As Build-Up Of Numerous Law Enforcement Agencies Seen In Nearby Texas City


Wednesday, January 25, 2006

“Evidence? We Don’t Want Your Stinkin’ Evidence!”


The criminal conspiracy that destroys America


Methodist group calls Iraq war "unjust, immoral"


I would add to this "financially catastrophic" for future generations of Americans and so far "spectacularly unsuccessful" in its unstated goal of seizing and ramping up Iraqi oil production.

The difference between going to a United Methodist church, though, and a Southern Baptis one is that the pastor at one of the latter churches will tend to inject, on a tiresomely frequent basis, into his sermons his belief that voting Republican (this is done not overtly but through identification with the "wedge" social issues the GOP pushes) is the only "Godly" choice one can make. I have never heard a Methodist pastor sermonize in a partisan political vein in this way.

Methodists just think, as do all sane individuals, that people who say they are Christians should try to live by the Golden Rule, and the U.S. government has never done that in Iraq. What our government did (and you can either say they did it negligently or deliberately, depending on how stupid you actually believe Bush to be) was "do unto another nation" before "it could do unto us" in spite of the fact that rational observers of the WMD issue before the war crime ensued were telling the administration what turned out to be true.

My belief is that it was never about WMDs. Cheney had his eye on taking over the Iraqi oil fields from the day he took office. His secret energy task forces meetings in early 2001 had maps thereof on display for participants. That much we do know. Also, Iraq had switched its payments to euros over dollars under the UN-administered "oil for food" program as of November 2000. The only reason the U.S. is not already a Third World economy is that we force, at the point of our huge arsenal, the nation-states with oil to denominate their export sales in U.S. dollars, the so-called "petrodollar" phenomenon.

Horse Sex Porn Candy Teens!


Tuesday, January 24, 2006

War with Iran — It's more than nuclear


Sibel Edmonds proof 'war on terror' is a lie


When it comes to bats, size matters


Sunday, January 22, 2006

What the Iran 'nuclear issue' is really about


Constitutional contest


The Trouble With Boys

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Russian Colonel Who Averted Nuclear War Receives World Citizen Award

Not. Backing. Hillary.


All this time I thought my dad was kicking our poor widdle dachshund for having shat on the floor again.

If Hillary Clinton is ever "elected" President, I
think it will prove to even the doubters what I have
been saying about the rigged elections.

There is no constituency for her candidacy. Only
preprogrammed hackable computer software would ever
count enough votes to put her in office nationwide.

Baptists Take Aim at Themselves


The War on Dissent Gets Creepy

Custodians of chaos

Friday, January 20, 2006

Phanton Osama Groomed for a Return

Thursday, January 19, 2006

The Demonic Cabal

Ordering a Pizza in 2010


Ordering a Pizza in 2010


Ordering a Pizza in 2010


John Titor — Time Traveler from 2036?


I heard Oliver Williams tout this site on Coast to Coast AM early this morning. Read John's predictions. I have so far read November 2000. It is very spooky.

Congratulations, Clayton Tefteller!

I know the most famous guy in the photo is the man in the black jacket wearing the orange cap, but the guy at the left wearing No. 27 is a hometown kid. He walked on and made the team in early 2003. That is an incredible feat in itself at The University of Texas with its traditions as a powerhouse program, much less being a member of the national champion team.

UT Party

Evidence of a Stolen Election


The Law and The Promise

page 38
The Law and The Promise

Neville writes:::There is no inevitable permanence in anything. Both past and present continue to exist only because they are sustained by "Imagining" on some level or other; and a radical transformation of life is always possible by man revising the undesirable part of it.

Ananda writes:::As I become aware of my thoughts and the Power they have to make my world a Heaven or a hell ....I become ever vigilant....Watching my words and the emotions that fuel them into space and time...

Lately I AM spending less time outside of my Mind...Searching for answers where they cannot be found...I AM now spending my time in revising past and future occurances that sometimes appear as they have already come into being and other times as a possible future event....Time and space are simply a belief that man has made to keep Heaven some place in the Future...

Neville tells us that Time matters not in eternity and that all we need do is see the desired outcome Now...where we err ....We need simply "Choose Again" and revise the outcome in our wonderful imagination....

Glory be....In this awareness the One Self is reborn ....

Richest Blessings!
Love Deeply!
"Lately I AM spending less time outside of my Mind"

Good idea. It's never wise to be "out of one's mind."
I got on this New Age mailing list in the late 1990s.
While I do not take it as "gospel" or anything, I am
not nearly as dogmatic as I used to be and I give it
at least as much validity as I do the rantings of the
First Republican Neocon Baptist Church pastors.

At least John and Ananda preach love rather than war.
In that respect they are way more Christlike than the
average fundamentalist church in America. Since
"gospel" just means "good news" I suppose there is not
much left of it in the organized churches, especially
in the South, unless you are in favor of perpetual war
abroad and dictatorship at home. Dictatorship would
only work if you are willing to accept that Bush is
God. That's what they used to do in Rome 2,000 years
ago. Caesar was God. Maybe it's just me, but I don't.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Chickenhawk squawk


Walter Cronkite's "We Are Mired in Stalemate" Broadcast

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

"Shallow Throat": Do Dems Have a Death Wish?


James Lovelock: The Earth is about to catch a morbid fever that may last as long as 100,000 years


Why Gaia is wreaking revenge on our abuse of the environment

The Proposed Iranian Oil Bourse


Monday, January 16, 2006

Day One - The War With Iran


Sunday, January 15, 2006

The Liberation of South America


Saturday, January 14, 2006

Narcissism, the Public, and the President




Pamela Anderson takes on Colonel Sanders

NEW YORK (CNN) - Television star Pamela Anderson is leading a campaign to have the bust of Kentucky Fried Chicken founder Harland Sanders removed from the Kentucky state capitol.

There are so many possibilities here. Rather than try to think up clever puns, I will make a clean breast of the issue and move on.

I will say this, though. Even with all the growth hormones they feed the chickens who wind up at KFC, they still have more natural breasts than Pamela does.

If Pamela were to come to my hometown, I think she'd go to the Dairy Queen anyhow. That's where they serve the "foot-long" hot dogs.

QUOTE"Anderson wrote the letter with the help of People for the Ethical Treatment of animals."UNQUOTE

This is a bit over-the-top (off with her top?) as it seems to imply she cannot compose a sentence on her own. Too many hot dogs in her formative years stunted her intellectual development. We really don't know about her physical development as only her cosmetic surgeons know for sure.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Bush could seize absolute control of U.S. government


Or 'Absolut' control if rumors of his falling off the wagon are true.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

UK officer slams US Iraq tactics


Texas River Mysteriously Turns Reddish Orange

Nothing Bipartisan about Congressional Scandal


Tuesday, January 10, 2006

China and the Dollar


Did the NSA help Bush hack the vote?


Ramona Bell dies


I actually met this lovely lady when I went on an Art Bell-sponsored cruise to Scandinavia and Russia in August 1996. Although there were hundreds in the Bell group, Ramona knew me by name and would always cheerily shout "Hi, Russ!" whenever our paths crossed.

My prayers are with Art and all of this woman's friends and families as they deal with this loss. All we have is today. That is true every morning when we wake up.

Attack on Iran: A Looming Folly


Abramoff's case is going to be huge


Saturday, January 07, 2006



Thursday, January 05, 2006



I will never find out if I am on the list because I am never going to patronize the police state enough ever to fly on an airline again.

Texas 41, 'Best Team Ever' 38

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

What we're up against


It's over. It is REALLY, REALLY over. And Canada is actually not so cold anymore what with global warming and all.