Monday, August 15, 2005

So we're going to bolt from Iraq. Where are the cries of complaint?,,1065-1732779_1,00.html

What do you mean "we"? Last I heard, the Chimperor is prepared to stay the course indefinitely. Sure, it may mean thousands more "Yanks" die, but that's a risk he's willing to take. What an intrepid man of God!

He's also changed the name back to "war" after his generals tried to recategorize it as a "struggle." George W (and that stands for "War" and if you look at me that way one more time, I'll blow your freakin' brains out, yewwww stinkin' lib'rul) is out to conquer the world. ("W" also stands for "World" as in "World War.")


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