Saturday, March 05, 2005

GOP Congressman Seeks to 'Restore Free Speech' in Churches

And the hits just keep on comin'.

I am of the belief that if churches wish to become subsidiaries of political campaigns, they should pay taxes on every last dime of revenue taken in and no donors should be allowed any more tax deductions.

I don't even know why they feel this is necessary. The pastor of our local Baptist church has been there five years. From Day One, it has been obvious that he considers "lib'ruls" the bane of America and the spawn of Satan. Everyone knows he votes Republican. After 9-11, he wrapped himself and our church in the U.S. flag. The other day at the "Flagtist" rally pictured below, the singer's lyrics included a reference to the "stripes" on Jesus' back (from the floggings) now having been transformed into the "stars and stripes." Utter blasphemy.

Jesus is an American and God is a Republican. This is called being sent the "strong delusion" somewhere in the New Testament.


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