Thursday, March 03, 2005

Jefferson's Wall of Separation Letter

What's interesting is that it was the Baptists who were concerned about this issue in 1802.

In 2005, the Baptists (or at least the Southern branch thereof) have merged with the Republican Party and taken over the government. They are now the "Flagtists." (See photo in previous post.)

I would characterize the Southern Baptists as a wholly-owned subsidiary of the GOP, although it is difficult to tell some days which of the two is calling the shots.

The GOP is back in control right now since you don't hear much anymore about the gay marriage prohibition constitutional amendment that the Baptists were wanting to "ram down our throats" (couldn't resist the pun) a few months ago.

The Baptists are also claiming "see no evil" regarding the growing Jeff Gannon/Jim Guckert "hotmilitarystud" scandal broken by bloggers and exposed in more detail a few posts below by


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