This style of mortgaging labor in anticipated taxation is a wicked device of modern times, to carry on wars of conquest, wars of subjugation, wars for plunder and wars to feed the malignity of bad men. It has never been successfully carried out to ensure more than annually accruing interest on the debt
This also describes what has been going on since 9/11. The American public bought into the 9/11 storyline unquestioningly and thus enslaved itself to the bankers more completely than ever. The wars on so-called "terror" will never end until the population is so broke it cannot even pay the accruing interest on the debt. Then the population will be herded into the Halliburton-built internment camps to perform actual slave labor.
Given the current sheeplike state of the population, I don't imagine there will be much resistance. As long as Rush Limbaugh, Fox News Channel et al. tell the peons it's what they ought to do, they'll line up to be admitted to the camps.