Monday, July 30, 2007

Message From the Water

Sex madness

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Nursing home cat can sense death

The final "cat scan" ... the one from which you never recover.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Kissinger's secret meeting with Putin

Welcome to Richistan, USA

The American Dream of riches for all is turning into a nightmare of inequality. But a backlash is brewing, reports Paul Harris in New York

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Cancer is very limited

It cannot cripple love;
It cannot shatter hope;
It cannot corrode faith;
It cannot destroy peace;
It cannot kill friendship;
It cannot depress memories;
It cannot silence courage;
It cannot invade the soul;
It cannot steal eternal life;
It cannot conquer the spirit.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Apollo 11 video

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

"You know you're a redneck when...

1. You take your dog for a walk and you both use the same tree.
2. You can entertain yourself for more than 15 minutes with a fly swatter.
3. Your boat has not left the driveway in 15 years.
4. You burn your yard rather than mow it.
5. You think "The Nutcracker" is something you do off the high dive.
6. The Salvation Army declines your furniture.
7.You offer to give someone the shirt off your back and they don't want it.
8. You have the local taxidermist on speed dial.
9. You come back from the dump with more than you took.
10. You keep a can of Raid on the kitchen table.
11. Your wife can climb a tree faster than your cat.
12. Your grandmother has "ammo" on her Christmas list
13. You keep flea and tick soap in the shower.
14. You've been involved in a custody fight over a hunting dog.
15. You go to the stock car races and don't need a program
16. You know how many bales of hay your car will hold.
17. You have a rag for a gas cap.
18. Your house doesn't have curtains, but your truck does.
19. You wonder how service stations keep their restrooms so clean.
20. You can spit without opening your mouth.
21. You consider your license plate personalized because your father made it.
22. Your lifetime goal is to own a fireworks stand.
23. You have a complete set of salad bowls and they all say "Cool Whip" on the side.
24. The biggest city you've ever been to is Wal-Mart.
25. Your working TV sits on top of your non-working TV.
26. You've used your ironing board as a buffet table.
27. A tornado hits your neighborhood and does $100,000 worth of improvements.
28. You've used a toilet brush to scratch your back.
29. You missed your 5th grade graduation because you were on jury duty.
30. You think fast food is hitting a deer at 65.

Thursday, July 12, 2007


Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Heart - Never

In this video from the '80s, I kept watching for Nancy's boobs to escape from her rock goddess outfit as she jumped around onstage, but alas, it never happened.

Pope: Other Christians not true churches

I agree with him, but he left one out ... his own Roman Catholic Church. All 'organized religions' are frauds, to some extent. Certainly they all do some good, but also great evil as we see with the warmongering Southern Baptists of today. Christ, if one believes what He was reported to have said, said "the kingdom of God is within you."

Kiss your country goodbye (gingerly, as it was becoming a bit of a pig anyhow)

I think the insanity of the Bush Crime Family is now beginning to worry even the not-quite-as-mad leaders of Israel.

Check this out (when I heard of Chertoff's warming this morning and then read this, I went "uh oh"):

US Sends ‘Nuclear Flash Alert’ Message To All Military Forces, Syrian Leaders Go To Bunkers

I think we have reached the stage we were at shortly before 9/11 was perpetrated by Chertoff's tribe. The economy then as now was on the verge of implosion. The difference this time is that there is no more "Greenspan magic" to work because if "Helicopter Ben" Bernanke attempts to duplicate the "free money" scenario to blow another bubble, the dollar will go into freefall.

So, I think Sorcha is right, the U.S. executive branch (which now runs the other two) is now prepared to commit "national suicide" rather than admit to the increasingly angry public that all their policies have failed. It is eerily reminiscent of the late 1980s Soviet Union situation.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Water: the Matrix of Life

Life is overflowing in my area of Texas these days.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007


Online Videos by

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Junk Debt Crisis: “Lake Tahoe Housewife To Blame”