Thursday, June 15, 2006

Zarqawi: dead or maybe not

I can no longer find a link for this, but I blog it due to its entertainment value, if nothing else. I am trying to decide whom I want to resemble.

A document has surfaced from the US Central Intelligence Agency to British Intelligence MI-6 requesting assistance in acquiring information regarding an Al Qaeda program code named Star Mirror. The document now almost two years old
details a program of Genetic masking or replicating. The programe involves the subject having his DNA altered with radioactive isotopes then with the use of stem cells mixed with donor DNA taking on the physical appearance of the donor.

The possibility of the programe first surfaced when three Al Qaeda suspects photographs appeared to match in a CIA data base, the suspects were however in three different locations. One was in Afghanistan one was in Iraq and one in captivity at Guantanamo. Blood samples and fingerprints showed genetic alterations in all three suspects, two of the suspects had identical fingerprints while the third were very similar. The document speculates that the process takes some time to achieve an exact replication, that the third suspect had started the process at a later date and was incomplete. It goes on to describe that from like genetic backgrounds the process might be complete in days while general physical appearance might be altered in as little as forty eight hours. Pointing out that dissimilar backgrounds would take longer. Two of the recent suicides at the American detention center were reported to be central players in the Star Mirror program.

An unnamed American source stated, “It sure would answer a lot of questions. Like why we can’t find Osama Bin Laden. He might have walked right past us! Or how Zarqawi was killed in Fallujah at the same time he was sighted in Beirut and now we’ve killed him again.” The American source went on to say, “This whole story has the entire intelligence community shaking in their boots. There is so much we don’t know, how wide spread is this program how easy is it to perform? Is this why there have been no further Al Qaeda attacks in the United States? Hell, for all we know Osama Bin Laden could be the Mayor of Omaha by now.”

The document says it is believed that the technology was obtained from Chinese military intelligence working through a Pakistani intermediary. Purportedly a Saudi businessman made a one hundred million pound payment through a bank in Dubai.
Because of the wide spread use of abortion in China the stream of stem cells would be endless. It is unknown if the process is a one-time affair or if it requires continued treatments. What we know is limited the American source said what we do know is that it seems to have at least one Genetic error or marker; It causes the feet to become very wide. That’s probably the real reason they want you to take your shoes off at the airport. We also know that is doesn’t alter retinal scans.

The CIA was asking MI-6 in the document for increased surveillance of Arabs living in the United Kingdom. Specific materials being sought in regards to this case, Syringes, lead shielding and vests similar to those used by X ray technicians. The implications that Al Qaeda could replicate anyone’s physical appearance are terrifying.
Al Qaeda could possibly be infiltrating a hundred replicants a month into the United States or the United Kingdom.

The knowledge of the document has been suppressed in the US until now. Stating that the existence of this program has been discovered by several media outlets investigating the detention camps being constructed in the US by KBR (Kellogg, Brown& Root). It may be required the document says to detain thousands to determine who is a replicant and who is not. Elections may need to be voided and high profile persons removed to assure the true genetic makeup of the government.
The source goes on to say that a cover story such as epidemic like bird flu would be used to avoid panic in the streets. The document asked that all available information
be given to the CIA not later than October 1, 2006. Perhaps Zarqawi’s dead or perhaps not.

Adam Sherwood, all rights reserved Reuters Inc


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