I am Sam Houston
Okay, so maybe I'm not. It's not as delusion as claiming one is Jesus or something. I do attempt to channel to some extent what our great founding father would think about today's predicament. Initially he was opposed to secession, but later on when it became inevitable, he wanted Texas to go back to being a Republic. He NEVER wanted to join the CSA, though. And rightly so. The Southerners are the driving force behind our war-criminal military which has now earned us in hard fashion the enmity of most of the rest of the world and certainly ALL of the civilized world.
Funny that you mentioned survival in "one piece." I contend that the reason the U.S.A. is now a dysfunctional superpower (although not as super as we might have thought before Iraq) in danger of implosion is because two separate national cultures of peoples were forced to remain together as one political entity during the bloodshed of 1861-1865.
There would have been no fundamentalist takeover of the federal government had Lincoln REALLY been a statesman and allowed the Confederate States to go their separate ways. Of course, you would now be living in a Third World backwater as South Carolina is heavily dependent on the federal government. Most of the South would be in the same predicament. Military Keynesianism has been the main driver lifting many of these states into anything resembling a First World economy. Texas had oil to go along with all the military largesse, but most of them did not.
The Scots-Irish-dominated culture of the Old Confederate states was never destined to coexist peaceably with the Anglo-German-Dutch-dominated North. We are now going to witness another "culture war" between these two groups with the "marriage protection amendment" being brought up this week.
Countries of homogeneous populations with unified cultures do not waste their time on "social issues." The Disunited States of America's government looks for ways to waste time on these issues, because it has no solution for anything else. Literally the house is burning down around us financially and the man of the house has locked the doors from the outside to force us to listen to his latest "hellfire and brimstone" sermon. Yes, the flames are drawing closer, preacher.
Sam Houston
Super color scheme, I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.
Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.
Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
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