Thursday, March 16, 2006

Dear 33%

Dear 33%

I feel for you. I really do. I feel for anyone suffering from severe mental illness.

Now, now. Don't get testy. I don't mean it as snark. I mean it as fact. You truly are suffering from a mental illness -- post-traumatic stress disorder. Yes, the same disorder our soldiers get in the field. Somehow you got it on 9/11.

I never realized how terrified that day made you, 33%. Yes, it was a horrible, scary day. I remember. But obviously much more frightening for you than for me. It scared you so much, your mind simply gave up rationality. We 67%ers know -- we've listened to you. We've listened to you in one breath say that Saddam was a butcher and that this is a war to save innocent lives, and then just a few seconds later say Islam is inherently violent and all Muslims need to be targeted, surveilled, and destroyed. We've listened with pity as you described in ever more complete detail the architecture of your delusion, the monsters you fear will kill you. You tell us we have to fight them over there, so we don't have to fight them over here, but then you tell us we must surrender all our rights because we are surrounded by your demons.

These are not the workings of a rational mind. Can you see that?

33%, you are sick. You need help.

You need treatment. A good liberal psychologist could help you work through your PTSD. Failing that, a good liberal friend. If you can't find treatment on your own, let us know. Just ask 3 people for help -- we'll be two of them.

Love and hope for your recovery,


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