Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Iraqis are rioting over 40 cent-a-gallon gas


But protests against the Shiite-led government erupted in some southern cities on Monday, after Mr. Chalabi, a vice prime minister, announced Sunday that the government was cutting back on its consumer fuel subsidies. The price of one liter of leaded gasoline has increased to the equivalent of 10 cents from 31⁄2 cents. Free-market economists say the subsidies have drained the government's budget, and smugglers have been selling the cheap gas for enormous profits in neighboring countries.

A liter contains 33.8 ounces so they are actually rioting over even a lower price than 40 cents. Meanwhile, back in the U.S. our wannabe Saddam has no intention of ever subsidizing the gasoline price. He's too busy thumbing his nose at and wiping his arse with the U.S. Constitution. For you 35 percent of BushBot Nazis (many of whom are my former Southern Baptist brethren) who will not only wipe his arse, but eat what comes out of it, all I've got to say to you is that either your days are numbered or our country's, probably both, since the Chimperor has already done irreparable damage.


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