Monday, December 19, 2005

Excellent analysis in this post on The Smirking Chimp

These are the five heresies of "liberal" and "progressive" boards.

1) Democrats and Republicans are both military imperialist whores of transnational corporate kleptocracy and there is not a dimes worth of difference between them, except perhaps abortion.

2) The far right warmongering elements in Israel are the tail wagging the dog of Amerikkka and they have the Republicrat party in their pocket.

3) One man's conspiracy is another man's business plan. 911 was an inside job, lone gunmen did not whack JFK, MLK, RFK, etc etc etc.

4) The sheeple are deluded, willfully ignorant, apathetic losers stupefied by television and the society of the spectacle, religion, alcohol, drugs (prescription and otherwise), minimal creature comforts, and economic hassles. They have no interest in their own uplift and will kill to preserve their own enslavement.

5) These problems will not be solvable by the electoral politics that provided the camoflauge for creating the problem. First, get the influence of money out of campaigns and eliminate paperless electronic voting. Those are prerequisites before addressing a baker's dozen of other profound, fundamental problems. But none of them will be addressed until the erstwhile middle class is eating out of dumpsters during a period of grave and extended crisis: a hybrid revolution/civil war.


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