Tuesday, October 04, 2005

The President's pit bull


"She is one of those rare people who does not appear
to require sleep," Torgerson said.

Me: Everyone needs sleep. Sleep deprivation is very
unhealthy, leading to those huge bags under her eyes,
which cannot be altered by her Tammy Faye-like
application of makeup.

However, friends say the two (Harriet Miers and Nathan
Hecht) share a passion; they are both, for instance,
fierce advocates of "tort reform," the movement to
limit lawsuits and large liability judgments,
especially against corporations.

Me: We are coming to the end of the era of individual
rights. In the future, only corporations will have
rights. All humans shall be slaves to the global
corporate beast system. She and Roberts are two
corporate peas in a pod. Bush has revealed his true
allegiance. It is not to the Southern Baptist and
especially not the Methodist version of God. It is to
Mammon. Every action he has taken in office has been,
at its core, about empowering his "base" which he
described in a speech to his $100,000+ contributors as
"the haves and the have mores." Many a truth is spoken
in jest.

"Harriet wanted to run the Lottery Commission. Harriet
likes to run everything she gets near," Wood said.
"She is very driven. She may be wrong, but she is
never in doubt…. She is a control freak."

Me: She has a demon. And this also explains why she is
unmarried. What man who was not an absolute masochist
would want to be around a demonic control freak? Most
of the women at UT Law School had at least some of the
characteristics of Harriet Miers. Female lawyers
should, in general, be avoided at all cost. Maybe ALL
lawyers should be, for that matter. Please don't take
it personally, Judge. Big-city corporate lawyers are a
different breed of cat than country lawyers in East
Texas who will soon have no one left to sue once
Roberts and Miers "federalize" all tort law in total
contravention of traditional conservative doctrine.

These are interesting times. A Chinese curse reads as
follows: "May you live in interesting times."

The only question left is whether the disenfranchised
and close-to-bankrupt "peons" of America (a population
which will eventually encompass well over half, if
it's not there already) will go quietly into their
"good night" as corporate slaves and indentured

My prediction: as long as the cable/dish TV is
supplied to their humble abodes, their brain waves
will remain incapacitated and they will not be able to
rouse themselves from their stupor.


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