Monday, October 03, 2005

Harriet Who?

Actually, I have heard of her. Since I am a member of the State Bar of Texas, I recall when she was president back in 1992.

My take:

Miers, along with Roberts, will ensure that the rights of the international banks and global corporations are further enshrined as against those of the individual.

She is from a big Dallas law firm. Dallas is a city with no soul. It is nothing but glass and steel towers erected on a bleak prairie and dedicated to the worship of Mammon in spite of the presence of quite a few megachurches, mostly of the Southern Baptist variety or offshoots thereof.

There used to be a commercial for one of the major banks in Dallas (long-defunct Republic National Bank, which went under in the late 1980s and was absorbed into what is now Bank of America) narrated by the late Orson Welles:

"Dallas — a city with no limits ..." he began.

He closed with the summation, "Dallas is MONEY ... and Republic National Bank IS Dallas."

It was chilling. You could have played the soundtrack over the Zapruder film and it would have been even more powerful.

I suspect neither Miers nor Roberts will fail to disappoint the tens of millions of fundamentalist voters who think Bush "owes" them something. They are all about economics, as CNBC says. The social issues are not something they dwell on.

Once again, the mainly double-digit IQ "old-time religion" crowd will be in the position of Charlie Brown as Lucy yanks the football out from under him.

But they will never "get it" as their hireling pastors will be back on the reservation in 2008 fresh with a new set of promises from the GOP that the restoration of 1950s America is "just around the corner" if you'll just sock it in for their candidate "one more time."


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