Thursday, September 08, 2005

The real costs of a culture of greed

My answer to Robert Scheer's article is that, as we
learned from the character Gordon Gekko in the movie
"Wall Street," "Greed is good!" and indeed why we
fought and won the Cold War against the evil godless
commies. All those who disagreed with that should have
left America and emigrated to one of the Warsaw Pact
countries of the Soviet Bloc.
Also, obviously all of what has happened recently is
Bill Clinton's fault, as is everything else that has
gone wrong since January 2001. That cannot be said
often enough. You need to repeat it to yourself at
least once a day if no one else tells you first. <

One thing the political operatives at the highest
levels of both parties have learned since Jimmy Carter
used to take responsibility for "stuff" that happened
on "his watch" is to NEVER, EVER take responsibility
for anything. Always shift the blame. "Mistakes were
made" as Reagan used to say.

The Cold War involved two sides of extremists--extreme
socialists and extreme capitalists. The extreme
capitalists won (and have now marshalled the shock
troops of the "endtime" Armaggedonist Christians
behind them) and the American middle class is history
because of it. Our grand experiment in multicultural
representative democracy is over.

As the ancients used to say, "Est modus in rebus."
There is a moderation in all things. Words of wisdom
that the American electorate cast to the
hurricane-force winds. And now that the elections are
controlled by the computers of these extremists, there
will never be any voting them out.

It is fascinating to watch the nightmare unfold. As I
have already nearly died and gone to the spirit world
(the existence of which I now have no doubt), I know I
have no permanent home here anyhow. We are all
"pilgrims and strangers" upon this bizarre little
planet onto which we were born.


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