Sunday, May 04, 2008

I didn't write it, but this is "spot on"

Consider the beauty of the myth most Americans Believe with regard to 911.

America, the modern worlds technological leader is effectively attacked by some of the most technologically backward people on earth. America then fights back by attacking 2 countries that, even according to the American constructed 911 myth, had NOTHING to do with the Sept 11 attack!!

Amazingly this illegal invasion is cheered on by most Americans and a good part of the so called civilized world.

America invades both of those countries and finds NO real organized military capable of resisting for more than 2 weeks. Yet most Americans ignore the fact that we attacked 2 countries that clearly had nothing to do with 911!

It become clear that neither of these countries were any kind of threat to anyone. Yet inspite of this knowledge. America refuses to pull its armies out and go home!
It would seem that inspite of our insanity or maybe because of our mass insanity we actually believe that Iraqis what our form of democracy!!!!

Just to prove that the USA NEVER NEVER learns America has gone so far as to decide that Iraqs neighbor Iran is the REAL threat. Maybe they are building Atomic weapons, maybe they are supplying arms to some Iraqis who oppose the US occupation. Maybe, maybe, maybe...SO, AMerica gathers its forces...looking for an opportunity to attack Iran. My question....IS there a doctor in the house?


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