Turtle Woman's Auto Writing
Monday, 4:00 AM
September 20, 2006
Go now. The time to journey is upon you. Those who need to change locations need to do it now. The Vanguard feels there is no place to go and thus will remain where they are. In Truth, they are right, for they are where they need to be to assist others who journey and are displaced.
As the times and energy keep notching up, many have simply given up, no longer able to bear the load of this transition. It is like having been in labor for 30 years. Lord deliver us from this burden.
Danger draws very near and those of dark intent try to keep everyone off balance. It will take a world wide shake up to bring those most determined to stay set in their ways to wake up to their higher senses.
Boom, shake, radiate! There is no place to go, yet many must move. Caused by both the Mother and man. Boom, shake, radiate. Many must move. What a fraud will be committed. Not who you think. Not who you are told. Look deep to find the Truth. It's manipulation through fear for selfish ends and possible gains for the few of lesser light.
What is wrong? What is wrong? Anger, frustration, holding one's breath for another big shoe to drop. It's a very big shoe indeed. Was it like this when we were children? No. Life is now lived waiting for the news of the next great tragedy. This is a success of the dark ones to keep the masses in a state of anxiety and fear. Don't buy into it. Free yourself from this nasty play they have written. Stand up, for the real power lies within each of you, not the few who have usurped false power. The greedy dark few can rule over the many only if you let them.
Many can't bear any more bad news, yet they have the horrific planned. Many cracking up and can no longer maintain in the daily barrage of so much tragedy from so many quarters. It's only started and the plans are much worse. Take back control of the play and put it on a higher playing field. You have the power to change many of those in power in a couple of months. Don't wring your hands... act on all levels and through all avenues available to you, physical and metaphysical. So many cracking up and more to come. Can't bear the load. Heavy, heavy load. Make it Light and make it light by turning it over to Creator. Let Creator take control over that which burdens you.
Many don't know who they are any more. Do you know who you are? You are a Light Being of the Creator. You are a Golden Light Bearer of Christ Light. White light does not carry the Power of Christ. Blue Light carries the Power of Peace. White light carries everything, including all those of dark intent. Know this for the Truth it is from Creator and do not buy into the white light misinformation which leaves the door open to deception and dark empowerment.
A load of sorrow, disaster, perversion, destruction. Life will become bleak with it. No. No. It has all gone so insane. So many simply stuck in the mire of it. It has become pointless to many. How did it come to this? Weren't we on the right track? What happened? No point. No point. So close and now so far away. A coup by the dark ones. Why not a coup by the Light ones in return? It's our turn. Turn on the Light! The real Light! The Christ Light! It's GOLDEN!
Do not let the turn of events to come deter you. Mass suffering on an even bigger scale. Oh Lord, Mercy! One more big horror. Shall we break from it? No. How much pain and suffering can we witness before we break from it? As much as it takes to before the stubborn ones finally wake up or perish. How much cruelty must we bear witness to? As much as it takes before we say "Enough!" and stand ourselves in our full radiant glory at the same time [see Light Grid Activation, which is still not complete].
Hope is so thin. Sorrow is so deep. Hollowness is inside. Can't bear any more. Joy has been promised... it is so long coming. Where is the deliverance? Where is the relief? Deaf and dumb leaders refuse to listen. Deaf and dumb leaders refuse to see. Murder, murder. Kill it all. Everything. Earth, people, animals, plants, air, water. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid men. No value. Greed. Hate. Evil. Selfish, clueless, stupid men. So many suffer at the decisions of so few. Beauty, life, love is being strangled to death because of the evil actions of the power-monger few. How long must all suffer for the greed of the few. Justice.
Nothing left to give. Dry inside. Freaky weather as the Mother can't cope with all her destruction. Soon starvation. Many forced to move and no place to go. Evil men. Harm us all. Shock! Shock! Oh! Oh! Many see with hindsight. No good. Too late. Evil men with evil agenda's. Wither the life of all they touch. False men, false leaders of hard hearts and big greed. Smug and arrogant. Something good has died. Lost is the value of decency. All tainted in mire. Stuck in the wallow of filth. Many screaming. Lost souls. Desperate cries from so many from so many quarters. Given up hope. So many in great need. There is nothing outside of ourselves. The Titanic is sinking and all of mankind is on board.
Another major disaster and our hearts break from it. No more! No more! We shatter from it into tiny little pieces which are scattered asunder by the four winds. The load is too great. Break! Break! A planet of the criminally insane. Darkness so great it's all around. It makes the candle feeble and almost snuffs out the Light. The Light in danger of being extinguished on this level completely. Tribe of the 12 x 12 stand up Now!
Lord have Mercy! Creator send Grace! Help! Help! Come now! Come now! We ask for Divine Intervention, according to Free Will and for the Highest Good! Golden Christ Light heal and make whole again. Open the door for positive change for the betterment of all on all levels of existence, in every aspect, in all ways, NOW! here, now, and forever more. . . and we thank you God Now!
All My Relations in Love and Light,
Turtle Woman, Oma
Copyright material 2006. Do not change, add, or delete in any way, manner or form.
The advantage of being a Turtle Woman is that she can now go back into her shell.
I love Turtle Woman. She is so right on with her writings. Her most recent auto writing of April 29, 2007 talked about subs lurking in coastal waters and what happened in November of this year - a Chinese sub popped up next to the USS Kitty Hawk in a naval manuever! She's a Texas woman with wisdom and vision.
P.S. You wouldn't want Turtle Woman to go back into her shell - she's one good looking babe.
Where can I see Turtle Woman's photo?
I have been reading her from 2004 but never saw her image.
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