Friday, September 08, 2006

Iraq: The Policy Dilemma

Hell, why not go for the massive military buildup option? After all, 43 percent of Americans still believe Iraq was behind 9/11 (they've got the right beginning letter, but the country most likely to have been involved is a little west of there on the Mediterranean Sea).

Even their demigod, Der Chimpenführer, has denied, as recently as three weeks ago, that Iraq was not involved in 9/11. He also said it in 2003.

Almost half the public is so gullible they will believe ANYTHING; however, this same segment is generally older and beyond the age of military service.

This country is SO over. Bush is God's man all right. God has decided to destroy America and the Chimperor is His agent. That is a way more believable theological supposition than what the gap-toothed Southern "evangelicals" posit as doctrine.


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