Saturday, December 10, 2005

Why 'we' fight

There is a plan

The only plan is to stay there forever. There are several reasons for this.

Profits for defense contractors, in which the Bush family, and their cronies are heavily invested.

Iraq possesses capital, namely energy resources which we have seized by force. This was the energy plan that the bush regime sought to conceal from the outset of their oil company/ defense contractor administration.

A sovereign independent Iraq is an Iraq opposed to Israel. This plays into the hands of defense contractors which sell excess military production to Israel at US taxpayer expense and depend on the Israel nexus to keep unit costs down and government payments up. It is also a domestic play for the bonehead christian fundamentalist vote.

Our military position in Iraq is a staging ground for the takeover of Iranian oilfields and if necessary Saudi Arabia. Although this is stupid and impractical, this is what the oil government plan is.

Machiavelli 101: as long as there is a war going on, the opposition will divided by irrational patriotic impulses. All domestic opponents can be characterized as defeatists and unpatriotic.

The existence of an interminable guerilla war in Iraq lends credence to the phony war on terror which is largely a construction of the intelligence agencies of Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, England, and America. This provides an excuse to dismantle the constitution, and construct a repressive police state in favor of the corporate rich.


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